Registration open for the VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations of the Museum of Art in Rio


teachers, educators and researchers will have until the day 26 October to submit their projects to the seminar, that this year will be held online

The Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opened registrations for the VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations. teachers, educators and researchers can send their oral communication summaries until 11:59 pm 26 October to email The seminar aims to exchange experiences and reflections on how art and culture can contribute to the construction of an anti-racist education and society, inclusive, plural and democratic. Made since 2013 hair MAR, the event will happen between the days 23 and 26 November on YouTube of the museum.

MAR's Journey of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations is an action of the University Training and Extension Program, that is part of the Escola do Olhar program dedicated to the month of Black Consciousness. It is made up of laboratories, research presentation, projects and work in progress or already carried out in school and non-school educational spaces. The meeting has conferences, workshops, mini courses and debate tables with guests who dialogue with the fields of education, Culture, art, literature, human rights, Afro-Brazilian culture and African history. The complete program will be released soon on the MAR website.


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The Art Museum of the river-SEA

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An initiative of the City of Rio de Janeiro with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, the Rio Art Museum is managed by the Odeon Institute, a social organization of Culture and has Grupo Globo as maintainer, Equinor as the master sponsor and IRB Brasil RE and Bradesco Seguros as sponsors through the Federal Culture Incentive Law.

Escola do Olhar is sponsored by Itaú and supported by Icatu Seguros and Machado Meyer Advogados via the Federal Culture Incentive Law. Through the Municipal Culture Incentive Law - ISS Law, is also sponsored by HIG Capital, RIOgaleão and JSL. Vale sponsors the “Casa Carioca” exhibition through the Federal Culture Incentive Law.

MAR also has the support of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Ministry of Citizenship and the Federal Government of Brazil, by Federal Law for Promotion of Culture.


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