Alfredo Andersen Museum receives, on Friday, day 05 October, to 13 hours, workshop General Concepts Historical-Cultural Heritage, taught by artist and restorer Tatiana Zanelatto.
The workshop aims to raise public awareness through the themes Culture, Heritage, natural resources, cultural property the relationship with the history and cultural heritage. This workshop is sponsored by the restoration project, that training in conservation and restoration area for women in Curitiba in vulnerable situations.
The restoration project is designed by Tatiana Zanelatto Conservation and Restoration in partnership with the NGO Unicultura - Free University of Trento Culture and Cultural Issues, It was made possible through the Municipal Culture Incentive Law of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation with encouragement Joanir Institute Zonta Company Maintainer Condor, Rodoparaná and IMAX Diagnostic Imaging, with support from the Curitiba City Hall, UTFPR - Federal Technological University of Paraná, Sherwin Williams Paints Group and The Apothecary.
Service: |
Local: Museu Alfredo Andersen |
Address: S. Mateus Leme, 336 |
Date: 05 October |
Time: 13h to 4:0 pm |
Contact: |
Unicultura: 41 3023008 or [email protected] |
Tatiana Zanelatto is Specialist in Conservation and Historical Monuments Restoration and Architectural, the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (PUC-PR) and Bachelor of Sculpture by the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (Embap), Restorative and acts as teacher, in the course of Architecture and Urbanism at the Faculty Guarapuava.
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Among his accomplishments participated in the coordination and execution of the Restoration Church and Convent Sacred Heart of Jesus – Petrópolis-RJ, Restoration of paintings and wall lining, artistic and decorative of Santa Maria Chapel – Curitiba-PR and restoration of artistic and decorative paintings liner, sacred images, altarpieces and easel paintings of the Church and Convent of San Francisco Largo – São Paulo-SP.
Unicultura - Universidade Livre da Cultura: Created in 2008, Unicultura develops the cultural and social projects with the purpose of disseminating art, knowledge, Culture and human values. From these values, the NGO carries out various projects such as the Health Troupe, there 16 years promotes the humanization in the hospital environment, to Office Lutheria, promoting education and youth professionalization in Telemaco Borba, MBP Child, promoting musical culture in Curitiba CMEIs, among others.