Cultural gate offers free digital art workshops


The Digital Art Center's Cultural Gate with open registration for two workshops, a video-art and other generative art. The courses are free of charge, with weekly classes between the months of October and November.

The workshop "video art and the current context" is driven by the artist Tony Camargo and covers the production of video art historical and important artists in contemporary art universal. The space, the conditions and the relevance of that language in the current context are some of the issues discussed. The Generative Art Workshop, presented by Rodrigo Guinski, make an introduction to generative art techniques in audiovisual works, involving use of systems and algorithms in artistic creation.

To subscribe, interested parties should send full name, age, phone of contact by email [email protected]. In the case of Generative Art Workshop, applicants must inform also if have notebook. More info: (41) 3229-4454.


Video art and the current context

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Professor: Tony Calderon. Guest artist: Cleverson de Oliveira
Days 27/10, 3/11 and 10/11 -Thursdays, from 14h to 18h.
Vagas limitadas
Generative Art Workshop
Professor: Rodrigo Guinski
Days 1/11, 8/11, 22/11 and 29/11, always on Tuesdays, the 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Age group: from 15 years (knowledge in Photoshop)
Vagas limitadas. Note: The Digital Art Center has a limited number of computers, for this reason students may use their own notebooks, since they already have the programs Adobe Flash and Max/MSP installed, even in its beta version.
Local: Center for Digital Art – Cultural Gate – Av. Argentina Republic, 3430 -Gate.

Inscriptions: Send full name, age and contact number by e-mail: [email protected]


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