Unchallenged female protagonism
Important artist of the beginning of the century 20, comparable to his master and contemporary like Eliseu Visconti and, moreover, far superior to the much-publicized Ipiranga's Shout by Rodolfo Amoedo. Georgina Albuquerque (1885-1962) is the author of the painting State Council session.
Painted by Georgina in 1922 presents diplomatic event, held inside an office, and having as a central figure a woman: toEmpress Maria Leopoldina. Panorama (210 x 265 cm) with Princess Regent Maria Leopoldina as a firm supporter of Brazil's liberation fromPortuguese Court.
For this, the artist turned to sources from theBrazilian Historical and Geographical Institute. The newspaper, to the Hall of 1922, the author declared that the work lacked “more character for the figure of José Bonifácio” (standing and in front of the Princess) where the painter purposely highlighted Leopoldina. Her countenance conveys the intellectual aspect and diplomatic capacity of a regent of the Empire, dealing with evident plenipotence of the subject that was conferred on her at the time..
Exceptional quality of Georgina Albuquerque's painting and her portrait of the Empress undoubtedly stands out in comparison with the academic painter Domenico Failutti (1872-1923) portraitist of the European aristocracy who painted just a year before (1921) Leopoldina within the most traditional formula given to a woman as a quiet matron inserted in a circle of her imperial offspring. It is also worth noting a feminist bias, once the year of 1922 was marked by the women's struggle for the right to vote. That year, the First Feminist Congress took place in Brazil, organized by scientistBertha Lutz, founder, ofBrazilian Federation for Women's Progress.

Location of the work: Museu Histórico Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
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1º Leopoldina – political figure X canastrão and bipolar Pedro
2º Georgina superior to copyist Amoedo
3º Ephemeris for women's suffrage
Zuzana Paternostro – 04/09/22