Book Hall in New York opens registration for writers


For those who dream of seeing their books running the world, 5th Salon Book New York is receiving applications for authors. Organized by ZL Books Publisher, the event takes place, days 19 and 20 of June, Brazilian Library in New York (Brazilian Endowment for the Arts). Those interested need to register, even day 25 April, by email [email protected].

The program also includes the organization of cultural activities and lecture on Brazilian literature in the world. The International project there for almost ten years and has been held in Lisbon (Portugal), Berlin (Germany), in some cities in France and Montreal (Canada), In addition to Rio de Janeiro.

To Joe Ramos, writer and creator of the event, the initiative aims to disseminate the Portuguese language literature to all corners. To ela, many foreigners interested in what is produced in Brazil, in addition to Brazilians living abroad who love the Portuguese-speaking writers.


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Ramos said that the book of the room helps to enhance the work of independent authors and small publishers, both without access to official Brazilian literary circuit. "Projects like this encourage the preservation and production of new literature and new authors".

– With cultural exchanges between Brazil and abroad, we want to create more opportunities for these writers to reach new readers, and access new forms of dissemination of their artistic work – says.

5Th Book Fair in New York
Registration by email: [email protected]
Even day 25 April
Event takes days 19 and 20 of June.
Time: das 12h às 20h
Local: Brazilian Endowment for the Arts.
Address: 240 And 52nd Street, New York (USA).

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