Works by Aleijadinho and Luís de Camões are up for auction

Christ of Aleijadinho, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Productions by Brazilian painting masters will also be available for bid From 8 and 9 September, Dutra Leilões holds the auction of important works of art. Among them is the sculpture “Our Lady of Sorrows”, made by Antônio Francisco Lisboa, popularly known as Aleijadinho. The statue was produced in the 18th century, in Minas … Read more

face auction gathers precious pieces of Brazilian sacred art and contemporary works

A collection of 210 lots, with valuable pieces of Brazilian sacred art and also contemporary, It will be auctioned on 22 October from 20.30 at the headquarters of Dutra Auctions, Traditional shot company of rare and historical objects. The event is preceded by an exhibition of these items to day 21 October, from … Read more

Sacred art and works of aleijadinho are highlight of exhibition in São Paulo

A Nativity scene made up of sculptures of our Lady, St. Joseph and the child Jesus, a donkey and an ox, the Ecuadorian sculptor of sacred works Manuel Chili, the Caspicara, and a very rare religious iconography of our Lady of milk in polychrome earthenware with 38 cm high, 18TH century, will be on display among … Read more

Portraits of the Ataíde and Aleijadinho by Elias Layon

Manoel da Costa Ataíde, the greatest painter of the Brazilian Baroque, born and buried in Mariana, son of Portuguese, until the due time had no portrait of her figure. To create this picture I took as reference a painting of Saint Luke, Protector of painters, found in the Bom Jesus do Serro Church and in the figure of the King … Read more