3 novel authors to read later this year

Carina Torre, Lya Galavote and Aline Cabral. Photo: Disclosure.

Meet three national writers with light books to read on 2020 The year is not over yet and many events have surprised many people worldwide, most as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through social isolation, some people embraced the literary world as one of the best forms of entertainment, resulting not significant increase … Read more

Romantic comedy book raises discussions about the crisis of 30 years

Livro "Eu me demito", by Aline Cabral, cover - featured. Disclosure.

With female empowerment, romance and lots of coffee, the new book by Aline Cabral raises reflections on the dilemmas of the famous crisis of 30 Since we are young we seek to understand the professional paths we wish to follow, and although curves may exist in this walk, it is almost inevitable not to reach thirty years of age, raising questions about the … Read more