Romantic comedy book raises discussions about the crisis of 30 years

Livro "Eu me demito", by Aline Cabral, cover - featured. Disclosure.

With female empowerment, romance and lots of coffee, the new book by Aline Cabral raises reflections on the dilemmas of the famous crisis of 30 Since we are young we seek to understand the professional paths we wish to follow, and although curves may exist in this walk, it is almost inevitable not to reach thirty years of age, raising questions about the … Read more

Blind protagonist story opens reflections on prejudice faced by the PCDs

Book "Eleanor and the Colors of Love", art. Disclosure.

In book, Amanda Bonatti tells the story of a blind woman who needs to fight and demystify prejudices, as well as fighting for the freedom to love and be loved Dedicating more and more in literature, a escritora Amanda Bonatti anunciou o lançamento do seu sétimo livro. Set in France during the 19th century, "Eleanor and the colors of love" … Read more

Santa Catarina Film Award 2020, by Rosângela Vig

Santa Catarina Film Award 2020. Disclosure.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related: Promoted by the Catarinense Culture Foundation (FCC) since 2001, the Catarinense Cinema Award aims to promote the audiovisual sector in the state of Santa Catarina. The Award is divided into the following modalities and categories: – Production Mode: Low Budget Feature Film Production; Serial Work Production; Production … Read more

Lobo takes his Pop Art in the new free market office murals in Florianópolis

New space Florianópolis Community receives the work of the artist from São Paulo At the invitation of Mercado Livre, the artist Lobo signed the main panels that make up the Florianópolis Comunity, new headquarters of the group located in Florianopolis Technological Pole (SC) and inspired by the companies in the Silicon Valley, in California (USA). Recognized for his reading … Read more

Victor Meirelles Museum by Rosangela Vig

Museu Victor Meirelles, Homage in People. Photo: Victor Meirelles Museum.

VICTOR MEIRELLES MUSEUM The Art of Brazilian Romanticism is very well represented in Santa Catarina, by Victor Meirelles Museum. Inaugurated in 1952, in the month of November, the site belonged to the artist, that was the great icon of 19TH century painting. Located in the Centre of Florianópolis, It houses mainly works of Victor Meirelles, … Read more

Book recalls history and shows the challenges of textile industry

"Art and technique of clothing in Santa Catarina" brings the history of the industries of the third largest textile producer in Brazil. Projeto editorial é o primeiro a usar Inteligência Artificial para promover seu conteúdo gratuitamente O que Santa Catarina tem a ver com a roupa que você veste? Mostrar a resposta dessa pergunta é a principalRead more