Hotel Toriba has a week full of lyrical music!

Jessica Leo, soprano, as The Queen of the Night in a montage of the opera The magic flute, by Mozart, 09-2019. Photo: Andrea Camargo.

Lyrical music dominates this week's festival schedule “Winter Music from the Magic Mountain”, creation of the Hotel Toriba, in Campos do Jordao. On Wednesday, 18 August, introduces bass baritone Andrey Mira, accompanied by piano by Antonio Luiz Barker. The program has opera arias like “Madamina, the catalog is this”, by Don … Read more

Hotel Toriba, in Campos do Jordao, has a week full of good music

Amabile Quartet, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Hotel Toriba's schedule, the most musical hotel in Campos do Jordão, this week has many and varied special attractions. On Thursday, day 17, day when the world celebrates 250 Ludwig van Beethoven's birth year, the Amabile Quartet performs in the Sala da Lareira, to 19 hours. The Group, … Read more