Emerson Lima encourages art through the streets of São Paulo with the fashion world celebrities

40 fotógrafos de diversas partes do país e celebridades do mundo fashion convidadas por Emerson Lima se reuniram para uma imersão fotográfica pelas ruas da capital Paulista A saída fotográfica promovida pelo retratista Emerson Lima já é uma tradição em sua trajetória, and eagerly awaited by photographers who closely follow their work. Acompanhado deRead more

Meet Emerson Lima: the photographer behind the power

Emerson Lima is the preferred portrait photographer of the powerful and has an extensive clientele of entrepreneurs, politicians, Centuries artists and opinion makers ago, important people in society hired the best painters of his time to become immortalized in poses for posterity, in luxurious works of art. Today, century 21, ainda é comum paraRead more
