Registration is open for the 14th edition of the Festival da Canção Aliança Francesa

Song Festival Alliance Française 2021, official poster. Disclosure.

The 14th edition of the Festival da Canção Alianca Francesa opens entries and wins as godparents the Brazilian singer Letrux and the French singer Ben L’Oncle Soul. The big winner wins a trip to Paris and a pass to the MaMA Festival & Convention. Registration is free, from 7 from July to 31 August … Read more

The French Embassy in Brazil, the Network of French Alliances in Brazil and the Molotov Cocktail celebrate the Fête de la Musique in Brazil

391st edition of “Fête de la Musique 2021”. Disclosure.

Day 21 of June, broadcast by the Networks of Alliances Francesas do Brasil Mirroring the Festas Juninas that take place annually in Brazil in June, the French Embassy in Brazil, the Network of French Alliances in Brazil and the Molotov Cocktail Festival cross sonic borders to celebrate music in the 39th edition of “Fête de … Read more