"Lift!"followed by Debate in Rio Festival 2015, This Friday, 9/10

Directors of the documentary produced by Canal Futura in partnership with the Operating Mode and Embaúba dialogue with the audience after the screening in the Federal Justice Cultural Center, at seven in the same session, será exibido o documentário “A Marcha dos Elefantes Brancos” e o diretor também participa do debate “Levante!”, winner of the 5th pitching DOC Future, … Read more

Rio Festival 2015 Displays documentary "Lift!”

Produced by Canal Futura in partnership with the Operating Mode and Embaúba, the film was the winner of the 5th pitching DOC Futura De 1 to 14 October, the Rio Festival will screen the documentary “Levante!”, winner of the 5th pitching DOC Future. Inserted in the Frontiers show, o filme é uma produção do Canal Futura em parceria comRead more
