Ceramists create monthly fair and boost their sales. Next edition will be this Saturday, day 16/07

Monthly ceramics fair in Brasilia. Photo: Barbara Angelina.

A group of ceramic entrepreneurs creates a monthly fair in Brasília and boosts their sales Collaborative movement with the participation of around 20 workshops, mostly run by women, created the Itinerant Author Ceramics Fair. Event that has been taking place since last December. The success achieved in the first edition, com ampla cobertura daRead more

Female protagonism in ceramic art show at Cafeteria Pató, day 12 March

Cris Martim. Photo:Cris Martinm.

The Cafeteria Pató, and CLN 407 North, receives a new edition of the Itinerant Author Ceramics Fair Showcase of utilitarian and artistic ceramics that circulates through cafes in the Federal District In a mostly male market, the art production, in the creation of low or high temperature ceramic pieces, o que se observaRead more