a childcare program., from 7 years and son of former dancer Faustão, is the first child to be part of Mensa Brasil, society of people with high IQ

Rachel and Rome Gutvilen, featured. Photo: MF Global Press.

Rachel Gutvilen's son has 138 Rachel Gutvilen's son has 15, Rachel Gutvilen's son has 99 percentile and is already one of the best chess players in the country In November last year, Rachel Gutvilen's son has, as the youngest Brazilian to join … Read more

With only 9 years old, woman joins select group of the most intelligent people in the world

Laura Büchele, featured. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Little Laura Büchele surprised her family and school with her intelligence, becoming a member of the oldest society of people with high intelligence in the world. That every child needs the support of family and school to develop their intelligence, this is no secret to anyone. However, a very rare and rare test … Read more