Luanda opens the exhibition ‘Cachimba’ at the Museum of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture – MUHCAB, in the river

"Maria Congo - Luisa Mahin”, 2021, painting, 140cm x 86 cm. Luanda work, which integrates the exhibition. Photo: Luanda.

Artist from Rio Grande do Sul based in the capital of Rio de Janeiro surprises in a solo show that exhibits unpublished series, in which it incorporates art, history and religiosity of African origin The CACHIMBA exhibition, by artist Luanda, was born from the need to expand the field of Afro literacy for a fusion of ideas from history with religiosity of African origin, que culminaráRead more

Fabiano philosopher Daniel throws book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” in Angola a day 18 April

The writer and philosopher Fabiano de Abreu, He accepted the invitation by the University Gregorio Semedo to launch his book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” in Luanda, capital of Angola on 8 April at 18h local time to 800 people. The Angolan press will be present at the venue to follow the event that will take place … Read more