Discover new functions for traditional photo frames

Discover new functions for traditional photo frames. Photo: Pictures on the wall psd created by -

Picture frames, in addition to being a key element in decorations, give a unique touch to the environment., in addition to being great elements that awaken memories and carry several stories. The paintings make the moments really eternal, turning this object into something special for many, being able to solidify moments like photos with the family, with … Read more

Do it yourself: how to decorate your home while spending little

Do it yourself: how to decorate your home while spending little. Photo: Painting photo raised by freepik -

Do it yourself is a practice that people liked, mainly, for allowing them to create unique articles, spending very little. There are people who do not get their hands dirty, but likes to watch tutorials and see how others do that work, from furniture to famous recipes. It's common, including, save several … Read more

Decorative trends for 2021

Decorative trends for 2021. Photo: Business photo created by master1305 -

Knowing the decorative trends is a way to keep your space always very tidy and sophisticated, following the main contemporary styles and reusing many elements of the decoration of previous years. after all, both in personal and decorative fashion, many concepts are redesigned, without the need to transform everything at your disposal … Read more

5 tips to innovate with handcrafted decoration in your home

Discover incredible ideas to make your decoration with sustainable and beautiful items The process of decorating a house is truly exciting, mas também vem com um quinhão de desafios para quem está procurando opções de imóveis em Pinhais outras cidades da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba. So, se você está pensando em fazer algum movimento emRead more