According to the National Museums (CNM), currently there are more than 3000 museums in Brazil. Form and specialized professionals to plan, manage and ensure sustainability within the new reality of cultural administration are fundamental goals of the course
Maria Ignez Mantovani Franco is President of the International Council of museums in Brazil (ICOM-BR) and PhD in Museology by Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologia de Lisboa. Lecture will be held day 13 July (on wednesday), at 5:30 pm, at the Museu de Arte do Rio, It will be open to the public and with free entry

The Universidade Candido Mendes (UCAM), recognized for excellence in their postgraduate degrees and MBAs, opens new class for the innovative post-graduate course in the form Master Business Administration (MBA) in Management of Museums. The classes will be taught by professionals of academic excellence and great market experience. Seminars complement the learning, through sharing the experience of guests from Brazil and abroad. The MBA is directed to public and private managers, professionals working in museums, centers of culture and heritage, areas as well as multidisciplinary Cultural Management, Cultural Production, History, Comunicação, Marketing, Social Sciences, among others. Talk with Maria Ignez Mantovani Franco, President of the International Council of museums in Brazil (ICOM-BR) and PhD in Museology by Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologia de Lisboa marks start of course. Meeting will be held 13 July (on wednesday), at 5:30 pm, at the Museu de Arte do Rio, It will be open to the public and with free entry.
The MBA in management of Museums is also a pioneer and hopes to fill another growing gap in the market: skilled professional to plan, manage and ensure the sustainability of museums. In the last decade the sector has grown significantly - are now over 3 thousand institutions in the country -, reinforcing the growing demand for specialization and professionalization of job boards. The course has partnered with Art Museum of Rio – MAR, that allow students to observe a cultural facility operated through a platform, picture on the new reality of cultural administration.
"Museums are spaces that if renewed in its social and institutional mission, going far beyond its original role of preserving the memory. Currently come becoming privileged spaces of encounter and locus of cultural action in all its magnitude, gathering art, innovation, knowledge, Entertainment, sustainability and citizenship ", highlights the coordinator of the academic year, Katia de Marco.
"The paradigm shift that occurs in contemporary museums today is the focus on people; by this research are important public, to know who the audience is going and what does not go to the museum. Communication strategies are increasingly important to maintain this public informed and connected; hence the importance of using social media, attracting young audiences, connecting other segments and age groups, picking up opinion and trends ", bet the coordinator of contents, Rosane Carvalho. To ela, management is another key point to seek sustainability of museums, are public, private or model intermediate of Social Organizations. "The three models need to communicate very well with the public to generate a virtuous circle. The more public, more revenue from ticket sales and in store, restaurants and services; greater public visibility, what matters to companies (to add value to your corporate image by associating the museums success), greater number of partners contributing associations of friends, both individuals and sponsors, and so on. "
The Chief Executive Officer of the sea, Carlos Gradim reinforces that there was a pent-up demand in the market of management-oriented Culture Museums. "In an increasingly complex and fluid, It is necessary to reflect, list and advertise possible paths to quality management of our cultural institutions. A management focused on results and transparency that profissionalize without leaving aside the particularities inherent in art, with responsibility and increasingly focused on the approach to society. Given these and other factors, see how great mark the construction of a course back to the theme and in tune with the market, Once the UCAM brings academic and experience the sea of qualified management ", says Gradim.
The purpose of the MBA in Management of Museums is to teach and create this virtuous circle in Museum Administration, an institution that today is the anchor for the revitalization of degraded areas in cities, anchor of identity and identification with the local and international public. Never grew up like many museums now, no country, in Rio de Janeiro (Museum of Tomorrow, MIS in Copacabana, MAR, and other) and abroad. Museum that was once synonymous with old stuff, saved, last, now has a meaning transformation, innovation, to rethink the place, the community where it is inserted, give voice to citizens, and communicate beyond their physical existence.
More information and registration in www.abgc.org.br
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Service: |
Class II of the MBA in management of Museums |
Value: 1 + 21 R$ 858,00 |
Selection process: Curriculum analysis and interview |
Hours: 360 h |
Duration: 21 months |
Inaugural class: 13 July, at 5:30 pm, at the Museu de Arte do Rio |
Days and times of classes: Mondays and Wednesdays, das 18h30 às 21h30 |
Local: Campus Center - Meeting Street, 10 / sl 616 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro |
Academic Coordinator- Katia de Marco – Graduated in social sciences and a master's degree in science of Art from the Fluminense Federal University. Is independent curator and member of the Brazilian Association of art critics-ABCA. He founded and chairs the Brazilian Association Cultural Management - ABGC and is academic coordinator of the Graduate Program in Cultural and Social Studies - PECS, University Candido Mendes, where he also coordinates the MBA in Cultural Management, MBA in Economics and Creative Cities, MBA in Management of Museums, MBA in Environmental Management and a Postgraduate Diploma in Cultural Production. It is the project manager Dialogue Café Rio, UN/UNAOC/UCAM and is also Director of the Museu Antonio Parreiras SMU/SEC/RJ.
Content coordinator- Rosane Carvalho – It museologist and public relations 30 years of experience in the communication area museums, having worked in Promemoria National Foundation, at the Museum of the Republic and the national historical Museum. It concursada Professor of Public-Media Relations in UERJ. Master and PhD in Information Science at IBICT / UFRJ and Post PhD at the Graduate Program in Museology and Heritage UNIRIO / MAST. As a Fulbright Scholar Committee and CAPES a specialization in Communication and Marketing at major museums in the United States. Since 2011 is a consultant of Fundação Roberto Marinho where coordinates the Museum Plan to construction and deployment of the new Museum of image and sound in Rio de Janeiro and in 2013 conducted for this Plan the Museum Foundation of the Palace of Frevo in Recife. Still 2013 was elected president of the Association of Friends of the Museum in Niterói Antonio Parreiras. His field of research is to communicate with the public museum and the Museum as a Communication System, powerful channel of communication of cultural content to the public, which has its specifics and a huge symbolic meaning.
Speaker of the inaugural class- Maria Ignez Mantovani Franco – graduated in Social Communication, with specialization in Museology; PhD in Museology by Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologia, of Lisbon, Portugal. Director of EXPOMUS company. Current President of the Board of Directors of the International Council of museums in Brazil (ICOM-BR).
Very good…really congratulations