A just society learns to value your culture is experienced since I was a kid. Art is important in the life of human being, because collaborates not only on your creative development and expressive but also builds the relationship with yourself working directly in your self-esteem.
The creative process works in people by encouraging them to be an integral part of a world that they can dominate.
The Stargate Universe Art Kids, decided to be a tool to unite the useful, Nice and necessary.
With so many success stories of children and adolescents with talents, painting, touch, write, dance and many other existing gifts. Why not make the art market in the world, have a look to these as young artists.
We want to draw attention of gallery owners, marchands, curators, investors, collectors, art aficionados, International Festivals end exhibitions, museums and etc. for children and youth artwork and make the art created by them, will be valued and they can have the opportunity of an economic return with what you create.
Universe Art Kids, will serve only as a contact, It won't work any sales material displayed, although, will be opening a direct channel for the works of the artists are visited in their portals created for us within the page. Will have the opportunity to be seen and contacted through emails from their responsible. We will be relentless in showing the works of our portal for potential interested.
In case of sales, contracts, proposals and any kind of interest on the part of investors, We will contact the responsible, are they, parents or legal guardians.
We hope that all the families of children and adolescents, have the same vision that we and they can encourage the artist behind each creativity and flair to your surroundings, in your day to day. The doors will be open, not only for families but also for workshops and art schools. We believe that together we can add wonderful results.
We hope you contact us via e-mail to think together the best way to your participation in our portal.
Buana Lima – Director and Plastic Artist
Mark And. Ozán – Director and graphic designer
54 9 11 4803 4416 | [email protected] | www.universoartkids.com
Text sent by Buana Lima.

Account of the creation of the Stargate Universe Art Kids:

The idea of the portal was created by a 8 years, Hugo Sergio Alves Rondon, one day he told me:
– Mom, because you do not create the Estimarte Kids? We children also want to show our works!
Sign up to receive Event News
and the Universe of Arts first!
I stopped to think, and I saw that he was right and that the idea was genius. Improved his idea, I left without thinking twice towards the construction of this beautiful path where trilharão thousands of children and young people from various countries.
The reception is being great, It is gratifying to see the joy on their faces when the invite.
The Mission of the universe Art Kids is disclose the children's art and teenager and do value their works or what they do. Through our database, many contracts and business may arise. The portal works by the guardian signed authorization of less.
Our goal is to bring the talents of the portal insistently to be seen by our contacts, entrepreneurs, institutions, investors, producers and all the artistic scope.
The inscriptions are now free for being a launch promotion but the promotion is for a limited time. We have children and teenagers from different countries participating in.
We work with schools, art workshop for children and adolescents, institutions and foundations.
Our portal in the future will rely on the value of the inscriptions only which shall be yearly. We offer exhibition in Buenos Aires in the neighborhood of Palermo.
We will be constantly in the media publishing.
And for those who live here in Buenos Aires, Universe Art Kids offers classes of children's paintings 03 to 15 years.
Buana Lima