The Embassy of France in partnership with the Institut Français held the first edition of the Night of Ideas - Being Alive & Forest


The Embassy of France in partnership with the Institut Français held the first edition of the Night of Ideas - Being Alive & Forest, Thursday, day 30 January, from 16h to 22h30, no Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro

The French Rio de Janeiro Alliance supports the initiative, which this year takes place in 70 countries and proposes a creative reflection on the forest, their challenges, their designs and varieties – the rain forest to the Atlantic Forest, cerrado for brushwood.

The program includes artistic and creative activities, as well as projections and performances.


Admission is free!

#noitedasideias #lanuitdesidées

The Embassy of France, in partnership with the Institut Français, is pleased to announce the release of Night of Ideas in Brazil: Thursday, 30 January 2020, in Brasília, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. In its fifth edition, Night of Ideas takes place this year in 70 countries, with the theme: "To be alive and forest". Rio de Janeiro, to French Rio de Janeiro Alliance supports the initiative takes place in Parque Lage (Rua Jardim Botanico 414), from 1600 pm to 22:30 with free entry.

This first edition of Night of Ideas in Brazil proposes a creative reflection on the forest, their challenges, their designs and varieties – the rain forest to the Atlantic Forest, cerrado for brushwood. The issue will be addressed and discussed in its various aspects: philosophical, scientific, anthropological, ecological, technical and social.

The program also has artistic and creative activities with projections and performances.

Two lines of thought will be explored:

"The forest as a living": in light of recent scientific and technical research, combined with the vision of a new philosophy of life, addressing alternative spiritual practices related to forest, the forest becomes a living being alone, an organism macro operating in symbiosis with all.

"A forest home of living beings": discuss the forest nowadays also means thinking of it as a place of living beings not just inhabiting, but who administer and modify. A historical resilience space, housing and biodiversity. The times urgently need the “living being” forest - with the verb “be” infinitive meaning a call, a scream coming from who should be understood and protected.

official opening

main programming:

17h45 – in Plateau of Parque Lage

18h20 in Plateau

Table 1: FEEL the forest

  • Dénètem good Touam, anthropologist, currently professor of philosophy in Mayotte. Published "Fugitive, where are you going?”, an assay on Quilombos, about the different ways that the escape of slaves took, of spiritual escape from a gospel to the reinvention of a society on the fringes of plantations.
  • Mother Celina Shango, director of the Cultural Center Little Africa, in the river, a connoisseur of plants and ancestral knowledge linked to the Tijuca Forest.

19h20 in Plateau

screening of the documentary Curupira, bicho do mato, Felix Blume, listening to the natural sounds and fabulous forest in Brazilian indigenous communities; and the video of an interview between the Franco-Italian philosopher Emanuele Coccia and the Brazilian artist Luiz Zerbini.

19h45 in Plateau

Table 2: TRANSLATE forest

  • Ailton Krenák, famous native writer working for environmental protection, author of a successful test this year, Ideas to postpone the end of the world (Companhia das Letras).
  • Anna Dantes, Publisher (before Publisher), publishes books on plants and poetry, organizer of the "Wild - study cycle of life". Since 2011 also works in partnership with the people Huni Kuin Acre in the Amazon rainforest.
  • Luiz Zerbini, great Brazilian painter, the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, on show Nous les Arbres (Cartier Foundation, Paris).

21h plateau in

Mini-concert singer Miranda Marlui.

21h45 in Plateau

Table 3: HEAR the forest

  • Marc Jeanson, botanical, former director of the National Herbarium at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, currently working in the Jardin Majorelle in Morocco Foundation, co-author of the book Botanist (Grasset, 2019).
  • Bernardo Esteves, science journalist, author of important articles on the Amazon, for reference magazine in Brazil in terms of brainstorming, Piauí.

parallel programming:

16h – 17h30 do Parque Lage no Bosque

  • Storytelling for children: "Amazon Tales" with José Mauro Brant and workshop making mandalas (Kids) with the group Arrow Design.

18h – 21h in the Parque Lage Oca

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artistic and creative moments

  • feature display: Luc Jacquet was a forest, documentary, 2013, 78 min; and the short film Curupira, beast of the forest Felix Blume, 2018, 35 min, on the sounds and legends of the Amazon rainforest.

22h30 – Closure of the event.

About the Alliance Française

About to turn 135 years of activities in Brazil in the month of May 2020, the French Alliance is a reference in the language and, no doubt, the best-known institution in the world, when it comes to the spread of the French language and Francophone cultures. Has, currently, more than 830 units 132 countries, where they study about 500.000 students. In France, it has schools and cultural centers for foreign students. Brazil has the world's largest network of French Alliances with 37 associations and 68 units.

It is the only institution in Brazil authorized by the Embassy of France, to apply the tests that give access to international diplomas DELF and DALF, recognized by the French Ministry of National Education. The Alliance Française is also official examination centre for international testing validity of two years TCF (The French Knowledge Test) TEF and Canadian (French Assessment Test) and the national test valid for one year Capes (recognized by agencies CAPES and CNPq MEC).

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and the Universe of Arts first!

This year, in celebration of its 135th anniversary, the French Alliance will have lot of news. Amongst them, the change in teaching method, that will bring greater dynamism to the classrooms, with digital tools and current content on all French-speaking culture, transforming lessons into real centers of debate of ideas and collaborative learning.

Event: Night of Ideas - Being Alive & Forest
Date: Day 30 January (Thursday)
Time: from 16h to 22h30
Local: Parque Lage (Rua Jardim Botanico 414), from 16h00 to 22h30
Free entry.
#noitedasideias #lanuitdesidées


main programming:

official opening – 17h45 – in Plateau of Parque Lage

18h20 in Plateau – Table 1: FEEL the forest

19h20 in Plateau – screening of the documentary Curupira, bicho do mato, Felix Blume

19h45 in Plateau – Table 2: TRANSLATE forest

21h plateau in – Mini-concert singer Miranda Marlui.

21h45 in Plateau – Table 3: HEAR the forest

parallel programming:

16h – 17h30 do Parque Lage no Bosque

Storytelling for children: "Amazon Tales" with José Mauro Brant and workshop making mandalas (Kids) with the group Arrow Design.

18h – 21h in the Parque Lage Oca – artistic and creative moments

feature display: Luc Jacquet was a forest, documentary, 2013, 78 min; and the short film Curupira, beast of the forest Felix Blume, 2018, 35 min, on the sounds and legends of the Amazon rainforest.

More information about the event schedule:

cocoa Gondomar: [email protected] (+55 21 99195 7563).

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