French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro offers francophone programming for the public to enjoy at home


Check out the AF's cultural tips, highlighting the film “Lost My Body”, available on NETFLIX platform, the project "3and Scene”, virtual space of the Paris Opera, a french digital library Culturethèque, and the selection of “Comic strip ”or“ bande dessinée ”in France and many news and curiosities about the universe of French “BDs”.

Because of the epidemiological emergency that Brazil and much of the world live in this moment, the French Alliance cultural team has also prepared a French-speaking program that the public can enjoy at home during this period of social isolation. Through the AF website and social networks, several show recommendations will be made available, shows, movies, lectures, debates and other cultural events especially for tackling this time of global crisis. The proposal, beginning with the indication of the film “Lost My Body”, available on NETFLIX platform, from the project "3and Scene”, also features tips for virtual tours of museums, lives of francophone artists, French films available via streaming, podcasts and more. already Culturethèque, French digital library maintained by the Institut Français, made free access available in Brazil until the end of May, being one of the main resources to consult book indications, podcasts, comics and other recommendations. To increase interactivity with the public, the Alliance also invites everyone to participate and share their tips through a video of up to 30 seconds to be published on the Institution's social networks. The videos should be sent to: [email protected] or directly in the inbox of social networks institution born.

Weekly Schedule Highlight ! BD 2020 !


Comic”In Brazil or“comic" in France: it doesn't matter the name and the place, the ninth art conquers more and more admirers worldwide. A BD, as it is colloquially known by the French, has reinvented itself and increasingly and distances itself from the old idea of ​​being a fun just for kids. Check out the selection of French comics and other curiosities about this universe.

Currently about 8,4 millions of French buy comics, What represents 15,5% of the population. Thinking about valuing even more comics in the country, the French Ministry of Culture announced that 2020 would be “L’année de la BD” - The Year of Comics - in France. The Alliance Française Brazil invited designer Jean-Denis Pendanx to tour several cities in Brazil. Pendanx had the opportunity to meet the public in Fortaleza and Recife, despite the social isolation measures adopted that shortened his tour in Brazil, and left us this little virtual sample of your work.

#lanneedelaBD #jeandenispendanx #historiaemquadrinhos #rioaliancafrancesa

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About the Alliance Française

About to turn 135 years of activities in Brazil in the month of May 2020, the French Alliance is a reference in the language and, no doubt, the best-known institution in the world, when it comes to the spread of the French language and Francophone cultures. Has, currently, more than 830 units 132 countries, where they study about 500.000 students. In France, it has schools and cultural centers for foreign students. Brazil has the world's largest network of French Alliances with 37 associations and 68 units.

It is the only institution in Brazil authorized by the Embassy of France, to apply the tests that give access to international diplomas DELF and DALF, recognized by the French Ministry of National Education. The Alliance Française is also official examination centre for international testing validity of two years TCF (The French Knowledge Test) TEF and Canadian (French Assessment Test) and the national test valid for one year Capes (recognized by agencies CAPES and CNPq MEC).

This year, in celebration of its 135th anniversary, the French Alliance will have lot of news. Amongst them, the change in teaching method, that will bring greater dynamism to the classrooms, with digital tools and current content on all French-speaking culture, transforming lessons into real centers of debate of ideas and collaborative learning.

Highlights of online programming
MOVIE – “I lost my body”, available on NETFLIX platform
“3e Scène” Project, virtual space of the Paris Opera: = Built_Ddz_QA
Powder Podcast e 5 podcasts to practice French: = UjbDBdJF86Q
Comic book or “bande dessinée”:
Culturethèque, a french digital library:
Electronic Music Sets by Laurent Garnier: = PkHXoNQumcA
#viverjuntos #juntosadistancia #rioaliancafrancesa #tonaafrio #ficaemcasa #opera #culturafrancesa # programaçãocultural

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