"Angels Art Gallery" – New arts space in Oporto-Portugal Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

The Portuguese curator, based not Brazil, Maria dos Anjos Oliveira, It will be inaugurated in the month of October to his art gallery in Porto / Portugal to "Angels Art Gallery".

"The goal of Mary of the Angels is to promote individual exhibitions, press conferences, events connected the arts in all its aspects, book launches and contemporary designer, with Brazilian artists, Portuguese and international. "

The gallery is located in the Vanzeleres Street, 141-Porto/Portugal.


This address is very close to Casa da Musica which is the city's main concert hall.

The opening of the gallery is scheduled for the day 12 October 2019 with a beautiful group exhibition of arts, counting the participation of Brazilian artists, Portuguese and international.

In brief list of exhibitors.

The curator is focused on national and international market for visual arts, with one of its goals to promote artists, Sculptors, among other artistic follow-up. Maria dos Anjos holds events, national and international, mostly exhibits that are open to guests, public, collectors, entrepreneurs, arts lovers, among others. His work focus is to position front artists to market, promoting artists exhibiting the result of what more do appreciate: his work with screens and you had.

An important and distinctive factor of the events promoted by the gallery owner and curator is the quality of the exhibited works and not the number of participants and the positive results achieved both artistic and commercial.

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Porto is a coastal town in the northwest of Portugal known for its impressive bridges and the production of Port wine. In the medieval district of Ribeira, on the river, narrow cobbled streets pass by the houses and the restaurants traders. The Church of San Francisco is known for lush baroque interior with ornate golden sculptures. The sumptuous Palácio da Bolsa, of the 19th century, It was a stock market and was built to impress potential European investors.




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