Baroque in Rio, baroque music festival, It has first edition in Rio de Janeiro


Event happens 30 august to 2 September and will feature musical performances, workshops and film viewing

Baroque music was the "rock" of the century 18, heard and danced in the halls, encouraging the parties of the nobility. The Baroque found fertile ground in Brazil and translated to the best of our architecture. Renewing the exchange between Brazil and France in the field of baroque music and bringing repertoires created during the period of the French Artistic Mission, the festival "Baroque in Rio" occupy sites in Rio de Janeiro with the meeting of French and Brazilian musicians, in free performances or affordable. This is the first edition of a project that is establishing itself as one of the most important initiatives in the area of ​​classical music in Rio de Janeiro. The artistic direction is the harpsichordists Olivier Baumont and Rosana Lanzelotte.

One of the main attractions is the modern premiere of Opening”, written in 1819 in Rio de Janeiro, ago today 200 years, por Sigismund Neukomm (1778 – 1858), the only musician Mission. Another highlight of the festival is the presentation of concerts to 2 and 4 Cravos of J.S.Bach. The festival has the participation of Julien Chauvin (baroque violin and conducting), Christine Plubeau (viola da gamba), Jeanne Zaepfell (soprano) and Cristiano Gaudio (harpsichord), next to the Brazilian Marcelo Fagerlande (harpsichord), Fantastic Quintet (led by Felipe Prazeres) and the Orchestra of UNIRIO.


The first action of the event takes place on 29 August, with a festival of meeting the project Uerê (, Favela da Maré, in an educational activity, to promote the meeting of French musicians with young musicians of Camerata Uerê. On 30, Friday, Sala Cecilia Meireles gets the show "Bach, Bach, Bach: concertos 2 and 4 Cravos of J.S.Bach ". On Saturday, day 31, the festival takes to the Church of Nossa Senhora da Gloria do Outeiro free show "Concert Français". On 01 September, Sunday, the Municipal Theater hosts the show "Music for the new kingdom", with tickets to R $ 1. On Monday, day 02, the event promotes the Alliance Française free workshops of baroque music with Olivier Baumont (harpsichord) e Julien Chauvin (violin and chamber music) and at night there will be screening of the film "The King Dance (King Dance)”, Gerard Corbiau, in the theater Maison de France. The film is based on the biography of Jean-Baptiste Lully, authored by a great French musicologist specializing in Baroque music Philippe Beaussan.

A Director of the initiative of the French Institute of Brazil and Cooperation Counselor and Embassy of Cultural Action of France in Brazil, Alain Bourdon, The festival is sponsored by the French Embassy and has the cultural support of the French Institute of Brazil and the French Consulate in Rio de Janeiro.

According to Bourdon, in the field of baroque music, existed long ago between Brazil and France continued partnership, with regular exchanges - students, teachers, artists - and a whole range of initiatives, often supported by the Embassy of France, They are forming a solid base, but who may have suffered for being very punctual and dispersed. "The idea of ​​this festival was precisely to gather these energies. That was the intention, matured for a long time by the French Embassy. It was still necessary to give it body, shape and color. Was, as most of the time on cultural issues, made on the basis of friendship: to de Rosana Lanzelotte and Olivier Baumont, two exceptional harpsichordists, connected by an ancient artistic complicity and the same passion for baroque music and the rich heritage of the beautiful city. They appropriated the project and made it a reality ", complete.

The shows

Bach, Bach, Bach: concertos 2 and 4 Cravos of J.S.Bach (30/8)

Concerto for two harpsichords in C major (BWV 1061)
Allegro – Adagio or Largo – escape
Concerto for two harpsichords in C minor (BWV 1060)
Allegro - Adagio – Allegro
Concerto for two violins in D minor (BWV 1043)
Vivace - Largo, but not so much - Allegro
Concerto for four harpsichords in A minor (BWV 1065)
Allegro - Largo – Allegro

carnations: Olivier Baumont, Rosana Lanzelotte, Marcelo and Cristiano Fagerlande Gaudio
Fantastic Quintet: Felipe Prazeres (violin), Marco Catto (Viola), Marcus Ribeiro (cello), Rodrigo Favaro (double bass)
Special guest: Julien Chauvin (violin)

Concert French (31/8)

M. Lambert – Airs de cour

M. Marais – The follies of Spain
The. Forqueray – harpsichord pieces
J.P. Rameau – first Concert
J. M. Leclair - Sonata

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Artists: Julien Chauvin (Baroque violin), Olivier Baumont (harpsichord), Christine Plubeau (viola da gamba) Jeanne Zaepfell (soprano), Christian Gaudio (harpsichord)

Music for the new kingdom (1/9)

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Elevated to the Kingdom in 1816, Brazil receives the first French Ambassador, Luxembourg Duke, in the company of which comes the Austrian composer Sigismund Neukomm (1778 – 1858). Born in Salzbugo, as Mozart, He became friends with José Maurício Nunes Garcia (1767 – 1830). Inaugurated the symphonic repertoire in the country, having written the "Opening", dedicated to the Duke, there is 200 years, which will be presented for the first time in modern times.

J.M. Nunes Garcia - Abertura Zemira
S. Neukomm - Opening (1819)
W.A. Mozart – Sinfonia Jupiter

Orchestra UNIRIO – regent Holder: William Bernstein
Regency: Julien Chauvin – Special participation: madder Nery (narration)


Bach, Bach, Bach - Carnations party
Date: 30/08 (Friday)

Local: Sala Cecília Meireles (Largo da Lapa, 47 – Center)
Time: 20 hours
Capacity: 670 places
R$40 (entire)/ R $ 20 (half, for students, elderly and people registered in CadÚnico)
music students: R $ 2. Purchase only on the day of the show from 1 hour before the start of the presentation, subject to availability.
Musician with portfolio OMB: 50% discount. Purchase only on the day of the show from 1 hour before the start of the presentation, subject to availability.
Sales at the box office of Sala (Monday to Friday from 13h to 18h) or the site
Short term parking: access by Teotonio Street Regadas.
Contact: (21) 2332-9223 / 2332-9224

Concert French
Date: 31 August (Saturday)

Local: Church of Our Lady of Glory of Outeiro (Square Our Lady of Glory, 26)
Time: 17 hours
Capacity: 150 people (100 sitting and 50 em pé)
Free entrance (limited access to the local capacity and in order of arrival).

Music for the new kingdom
Date: 01 September (Sunday)

Local: Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro (Praça Floriano, s/nº – Cinelândia)
Time: 11 hours
Capacity: 2.252 places
Tickets: R$1. Available for sale at the box office only on the Theater Day event, from 10.00.
Contact: (21) 2332-9191 / 2332-9134

Studio of Baroque music (Workshop)
Date: 02 September (Monday)

Olivier Baumont (harpsichord) – 10h to 13h
Julien Chauvin (violin and chamber music) – from 14h to 17h
Local: Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro (Rua Muniz Barreto, 746 -Botafogo)
Registrations by e-mail [email protected] (limited availability)

King Dance /King Dance (Film projection)
Date: 02 September (Monday)

Time: 19 hours
Local: Theater Maison de France (Av. President Antonio Carlos, 58 - Center)
Capacity: 353 places
Free entrance (limited access to the local capacity and in order of arrival).
Contact: (21) 2544-2533

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