Free Event Production Course for Youth from Baixada


Innovate, qualify, strengthening professionals is what we want. The pandemic has left countless culture makers without income and with no option to generate income, since events were the first and last to be allowed to return, thus leaving their producers emotionally and financially destroyed.

We want to strengthen a safe resumption and able to survive in times of isolation and improve the ways of making and producing an event.

The Course will be totally practical and free, for young people who want to strengthen their knowledge and learn in practice to produce a quality and safe event, thus strengthening the area and enabling a better resumption.


Are in all 20 vacancies, being 10 vacancies for residents of Nova Iguaçu, where since 2010 we carry out numerous free actions to strengthen local artistic and cultural.

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The Course is offered by CAW with its own resources, which is a Collective of Independent Artists that develops activities and artistic and cultural events in the Baixada, Rio de Janeiro and all over Brazil.

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The course schedule will be made up of videos with language that is easy to understand and clarifies frequently asked questions of the students themselves, continuing with face-to-face meetings with distance and security. Students will be able to practice knowledge and develop their necessary skills to be an Event Producer.

Lasting one month, the closing and Graduation will be a Closed Event with a good structure like a Cinema room and following all current health standards, where every event will be planned and executed by the students, under the supervision of CAW productions professionals.

To apply for a vacancy, just request the full regulation by day 22 October by email: [email protected]

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