Virtual exhibition “Arte-Minha essence”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Raphael Art Gallery is promoting its first virtual exhibition in 2021. A year full of difficulties in all sectors of the country's economy, also reaching our cultural sector strongly in all its face-to-face activities.

And in order to ease this moment the Raphael Art Gallery, through its organizer and director Edmundo R.A.Cavalcanti or Edmundo Cavalcanti as he is better known, is promoting the collective virtual exhibition “Arte-Minha essence”.

This exhibition has the participation of 56 national artists demonstrate through their art, all your essence, your soul, inspiration, talent and resilience.


See below some of the works and the artists participating in the exhibition.

The complete exhibition can be seen at the link:

Edmundo Cavalcanti | Raphael Art Gallery

And also on instagram:

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São Paulo – Brasil
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