CCJF Cultural Festival at Home


The Federal Justice Cultural Center presents the CCJF Cultural Festival at Home, an online space for performances, shows, theatrical presentations, movie showing, lectures, chats, courses, shows, show, among other activities. The Festival will begin this July and reinforces the CCJF's mission to encourage and guarantee the population's access to various forms of cultural and artistic expression.

The initiative is from the new CCJF administration, who took office in May this year for the Biennium 2021-2023, with the General Directorate of Federal Judge Simone Schreiber, the executive director of Daniela Pfeiffer and the institutional advisor of Evandro Salles. Second Daniela, the pandemic isolated people and significantly hindered physical access to various forms of cultural expression, therefore this initiative aims to maintain an active programming calendar, while face-to-face activities do not return. For this, the CCJF will offer interested cultural producers all the virtual infrastructure necessary for the transmission and dissemination of their activities in the various media and will issue certificates of participation. There will be, also, the possibility of charging for registrations, with the income 100% reverted to the teacher. All activities will have values ​​accessible to the public, or will be offered for free.

Those interested in presenting projects to integrate the Festival's online program can contact the Culture Division via email: [email protected]


For the public, the updated schedule can be accessed through the link

Below, the events and courses already confirmed for the months of July and August:


“Açaí, Black Pearl”, Integrated Art Project

Chat: presentation of film and photo excerpts

“Açaí, Black Pearl” is a cultural project that encompasses the production and transmission on digital platforms of images and stories about the artisanal harvest of Açaí. Through photography and videos, Joilson Arruda and Saulo de Sousa build a narrative about the universe, increasingly scarce, of açaí collectors in its artisanal form. The project is curated by Renato Negrão.

Date: 27 July, at 4:00 pm

Joilson Arruda graduated in Portuguese Language, with a Masters in Literature, and photographer.

Saulo de Sousa is a teacher and independent author photographer. He has a degree in Arts and a Master in History and Cultural Studies from the Federal University of Rondônia.

Renato Negrão is a photographer, visual artist and curator. Has a degree in Social Communication from UFPR, postgraduate in Photography at Senac-SP and master's degree in Communication and Semiotics, by PUC-SP.

The mediation of the event will be carried out by the Executive Director of the CCJF, Daniela Pfeiffer.

Link do Youtube

Pre-release of the album Movimentos Contrarios by Francisco Pellegrini

In the month of the release of your latest work, “Contrary Movements”, pianist and composer Francisco Pellegrini gives us an exclusive preview on CCJF's youtube channel. after this little show, professor and journalist Icaro Bittencourt will mediate a debate between the artist and the public about the process of creating this fifth album.

Date: 10 August

17h30 – Pocket show (YouTube)

18h – live chat with the artist (zoom)

Icaro Bittencourt is a professor of History at the Instituto Federal Catarinense and a doctoral candidate in History at the Federal University of Paraná.

Francisco Pellegrini is a pianist, composer and environmental educator.

Link do Youtube:


Transvestility and Cinema

The workshop will offer six classes that seek to deepen the theme of transvestility and transgenderism in cinema through a study of narratives, the characters and trans and transvestite cinematography.

Dates: 29/7; 5, 12, 19 and 26/8 and 02/09 (Thursdays)

Time: 19h to 9:00 pm

Load time: 18 hours

Target Audience: people interested in the workshop theme

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Value: R$150,00

Vacancies: 60


Noah Bonoba, transvestite, actress, screenwriter, filmmaker, cast maker, playwright, teacher graduated from the Licentiate Degree in Theater at the Federal Institute of Ceará, writer/researcher master in Arts from the Graduate Program in Arts at the Federal University of Ceará.

Registration email: [email protected]

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Feminisms and Genders: what does philosophy say

The course will introduce the themes of Feminisms and Gender from a philosophical perspective. relationship between sex and gender. Gender conceptualization and criticism of Eurocentric models from contemporary currents of philosophy. Decolonial philosophies and the issue of feminism in Latin America. Black feminism and its African heritage.

Dates: 6 and 20/8, 3 and 17/9, 1 and 15/10 (Fridays)

Time: 15h às 17h

Load time: 12 hours

Target Audience: people interested in the theme of the course

Value: free


Joice Beatriz holds a bachelor's and a degree in Philosophy, Master in Medieval Philosophy and Doctor in Contemporary Philosophy from PUC-RS.

Thiago Soares Leite holds a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Master and Doctor in Philosophy from PUC-RS.

Registration email: [email protected]

Modeling Cultural Projects

The course will cover basic notions of possible languages ​​for the execution of cultural projects, such as: Performing Arts, Music, Audiovisual, Heritage, Gastronomy, Fashion and Literature and ways to develop ideas. Its general objective will be to develop skills so that participants can design and model cultural projects using resources from tax incentives, edital or not.

Dates: 13 and 18/08

Time: 10h to 12:00

Load time: 4 hours

Target Audience: Cultural producers and people interested in culture

Value: R$ 150,00

Vacancies: 30 students


Sandra Helena Pedroso, cultural and social producer and accounting professional

Subscription link:

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