Grace Saad - “Art, a mission”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

1- Where did you born? And what is your academic training?

Was born in São Paulo-Capital. I took a nursing course at the Red Cross and Arts at the Pan-American School of Art.

2- How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?


My first contact with art was in childhood.

3- How did you find this gift?

I discovered this wonderful gift by painting and making exhibitions.

Gracia Saad é Artista Plástica.
Gracia Saad is a Visual Artist.

4- What are your main influences?

My main influence is the impressionist artists.

5- What materials do you use in your works?

The materials I use in my works are oil paint and pastel.

6- What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?

in my works, my creative process is and always will be the beauty of nature in all its aspects.

7- When you started effectively to produce or create your works?

I started to produce my works ago 27 years.

8- Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who would be?

Monet influences me a little.

9- What does art mean to you? If you were to summarize in a few words the meaning of Arts in your life…

The art represents a mission for me.



10- What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world? (Whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography… or uses several techniques in order to make a mix of different art forms).

I don't have technique. I paint by intuition.

11- Every artist has his mentor, that person whom you mirrored that encouraged and inspired you to follow this career you, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who this person is and how it introduced you in the art world?

Lidia Ayoub, a great artist.

12- You have another activity beyond art? You teaches classes, lectures etc.?

Not. Currently I'm only dedicated to paintings..

13- Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards?

  • Virtual Exhibition “Inspirations” – August 2021 – Raphael Art Gallery;
  • face-to-face exhibition – Monte Líbano-SP Athletic Club – September 2021;
  • Virtual exhibition “Art is resistance” – June 2021 – Raphael Art Gallery;
  • Virtual exhibition “Resilience” – December 2020 – Anjos Art Gallery;
  • Various awards in salons.

14- Your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are to continue painting and showing the beauty of the world.

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15- In your opinion what is the future of Brazilian art and its artists? (in the general context) and why so many artists are giving preference to show their work in international exhibitions despite high costs?

Unfortunately we are more valued abroad.

Social Media:


Facebook: Grace Saad

Instagram: @grace_saad

Between the lines in the absence of lines in the paintings by Gracia Saad by Ana Mondini

Ana Mondini é Crítica de Arte, Doutora em Filosofia, Artista Plástica, formada pela Escola de música e artes do Paraná e Idealizadora da “Galeria Virtual – Filosofia & Arte” e do canal no YouTube “Entrevista com Artistas & Afins”.
Ana Mondini is an Art Critic, PhD in Philosophy, Visual Artist, graduated from the School of Music and Arts of Paraná and Creator of the “Virtual Gallery – Philosophy & Art” and the YouTube channel “Interview with Artists & Related ”.

The artist Gracia Saad chooses nature as one of the main themes of her paintings. The sea, in particular, appears quite strongly in his pictorial repertoire. In each scene, combinations of different chromatic tones appear, that make up quite unique horizons.

The artist builds her seas through the subtle mixture between tones, whose contrast, often imperceptible when changing from one key to another, performs a very specific smooth balance in each painting.

This same sweet balance reappears in the paintings of the Bahians with their full skirts. However, due to the complete absence of lines, it appears even more prominently. And, and, composts by chromatic stains, women blend with the background, showing that the world around disappears during the act of dancing.

Both in its seas and in its dancers, Gracia Saad doesn't just paint images, but it is precisely between the lines that the essence of what cannot be directly represented is manifested., namely, the invisible movement, be it physical or soul.

Social networks:

Instagram: @anamondinigaleriavirtual / Facebook: @ anamondini.galeriavirtual

Instagram: @anamondiniart / Facebook: @anamondiniart

Youtube: @Ana Mondini – Interview with Artists & Related

E-mail: [email protected]


São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
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