Impacted by Art – Virtual Exhibition, by Edmundo Cavalcanti



Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Impacted by Art, a virtual exhibition that brings together 66 among visual artists in their most varied forms and styles, like painting on canvas, digital art, sculpture and photography. Artists from different states of Brazil, from Mexico and India, bringing this globalization to the artistic universe, where there are no competitors, each brings his art, your style, your story. Artists who have had their lives impacted by art, and transmit this impact to the admirers of your work and also in the environment where the work is exposed.

An exhibition when projected, always seeks a central focus that revolves around the message we want to leave through art. IMPACTED BY ART seeks to show the power of impact it produces wherever it manifests.


Human expressions and manifestations in relation to life, to the universe, to your own emotions and experiences is what we call art. Be it painting, drawing, sculpture, poetry, dance, photography.

Art is present in everything around us, not everyday, architecture, sets, decoration, lifestyle. Being happy is a true work of art, amid the anxiety and losses of a pandemic.

We want to leave this message for all visitors to the exhibition, the importance of art in all spheres of society. The importance of artists committed to bringing color, light, shine, emotions, reflections, beauty, promote impressions, transform environment and thoughts.

Art is the ability to speak and even shout without any sound, but with great impact. That is the intention of our exhibition, a virtual tour where each observer will be impacted by the great power that visual art has.

"Luciane Yahweh"

Enjoy all the participating works and their authors in the links below:



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Luciane Yahweh
Plastic artist

Curator and creator of the exhibition.
Director and General Editor of ARTEEXPO MAGAZINE magazine

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São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: [email protected]

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