Lisete Teresinha Chies - “Translúcidos Olhares”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

1. Tell me a little about you.

My name is Lisete Teresinha Chies, born in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, and I live in this city to this day. I have a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, but ten years ago I started painting. I bought paints, canvases and brushes and I never stopped.

2. Why art?


I always liked artworks, of colors, of painters and their works.

3. What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist??

Still small, around my seven years, I said I wanted to be a painter, and how you should never give up on a dream, I started late, but with a lot of dedication, doing each work.

Lisete Teresinha Chies é Artista Plástica.
Lisete Teresinha Chies is Plastic Artist.

4. What are your favorite topics? What materials do you use in your works?

I really like landscapes and still life, and now I am venturing into the human figure. Canvas, brushes and acrylic paint are my work materials.

5. How do you work and approach the theme of your works?

First I choose the theme, then I move to the screen, choosing colors in the course of work.

6. Some artist inspires you?

I started doing re-readings of Salvador Dali, but I really like Goya.

7. What are the best responses you've had to your work?

Mainly from my family and friends. Social media has also brought many positive responses to my work.

8. What you like most about your job?

I like everything, of the production of the works, two results, of receptivity, everything at last.

9. Do you have any other activity, besides being a visual artist?

Yes, as I said, I have a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, and I'm a civil servant.



10. What are your main participations in exhibitions?

I participated in exhibitions in the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul, City Council of Porto Alegre / RS. I also participated in five editions of International Circuit of Art Brazilian Italy, Dominican Republic, Tunisia, Holland, Hungary.

The 5 main and most recent.

– XXII International Circuit of Brazilian Art, Curator Yolanda George, in Rome / Italy, in Vienna / Austria and Bratislava / Slovakia.

– Virtual Individual Exhibition “People in the World”, curated by Our art gallery.

– Virtual Exhibition “São Paulo Que Eu Amo”, trusteeship Maria dos Anjos Oliveira, da Anjos Art Gallery and Edmundo Cavalcanti, da Raphael Art Gallery.

– International Virtual Exhibition "New Year New Life", curated Universo de Las Artes, Buana Lima e Marcos Ozan, with fourteen participating countries.

– Collective Virtual Exhibition “Arte Sem Limites”, trusteeship Edmundo Cavalcanti, da Raphael Art Gallery.

11. What advice would you give to other artists or future artists?

Persist, that's the watchword. Persist and continue forever, even though it looks difficult, continue and challenge yourself every day, that only then will the result come, and satisfaction and great.

12. Where do you see yourself in 05/10 years?

Continued with my painting, each day more directed to do more beautiful works.

13. Plans for the future.

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I believe the future is tomorrow, and the plans I make are to go on my way, one step at a time, with dedication.

Social Media:

Facebook: Lists Teresinha Chies

Instagram: @lisetchiesart



The portraits of artist Lists Teresinha Chies, stand out so much for the elongated à la Weather in Modgliani, when by the eyes of the illustrated people.

Despite the reference, the paintings bring a less time-consuming atmosphere, precisely, through the eyes, that are not small and discolored, but vivacious and luminous.

Ana Mondini é Crítica de Arte, Doutora em Filosofia, Artista Plástica, formada pela Escola de musica e artes do Paraná e Idealizadora da “Galeria Virtual – Filosofia & Arte”.
Ana Mondini is an Art Critic, PhD in Philosophy, Visual Artist, formed by the School of Music and Arts of Paraná and creator of the “Virtual Gallery - Philosophy & Art ".

Figures with their so-called “d´alma windows” bring a sense of purity, integrity and tranquility, as it seems to be the essence of the deepest interiority. And, at the same time, intrigue by conveying a depth, that seems inaccessible and overshadowed by the beauty expressed.

The surroundings, that is, the bottom, with their slightly faded forms, just corroborates that atmosphere, bringing the freshness of nature, through the forest, lago, birdie, butterflies or just a chromatic plane that nevertheless becomes brighter around the illustrated person, so that a halo forms in it.

With the strength of the portrayed gaze, as pinturas da Lisete, just like those of Weather in Modgliani, although, by its opposite, touch something… Something enigmatic, something from the soul!

Text: Ana Mondini

Social networks:

Instagram: @anamondinigaleriavirtual / Facebook: @ anamondini.galeriavirtual

Instagram: @anamondiniart / Facebook: @anamondiniart

Youtube: @Ana Mondini – Interview with Artists & Related




São Paulo – Brasil
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