Contemporary Brazilian Art book will be released in 31 March


Disseminate the brazilian art through modern and contemporary artists

Livro Arte Brasileira na Contemporaneidade. Foto: Divulgação.
Contemporary Brazilian Art Book. Photo: Disclosure.

50 carefully selected artists are to compose this book – with the purpose of promoting the art and the artistic value of each job -, giving prominence to the creativity and the charm of the works.

With Cultural production of Carmen Inn, critical texts of Enock Sacramento – national and international art critic – and Silvia Meira presentation text historian and curator of contemporary art of the MAC.


The book will be bilingual (Portuguese and English) for presentation to the public.

Launch by Platypus.

Diverse brazilian culture and multiple cultures that bind, oppose and mix in Brazil, Enter the globalization movement.

The art comes to decipher, harmonise and create the possibility of expression among the various Brazilian cultural and global aspects. Artists that show where Brazil is in your concept, vision and contemporary art, to capture this process that involves us and which can be understood in his works.

*Part of the proceeds will be donated to the art of living Well Institute of Valeria Baraccat Gyy, serving patients with breast cancer and their families.

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Day 31/03 at seven
Greenland Street, 1943
São Paulo
(11) 3063-5813
Day 12/05

New York


The 50 participating artists of the book:

Albertina Prates
Alina Ká
Andrea Annunziata
Anna Donadio
Anny Carvalho
Bia Dória
Caciporé Torres
Cassio Lazaro
Cezira Colturato
David Dalmau
Dinorah Rosencrantz
Dolly Moreno
Eva Rossi
Felix Fassone
Flavia Sáfadi
Gigi Monteiro
Grace Ramos
Joe Rat Ilária
Judith Klein
Marcello Elman
Maria Luisa Horta
Marilda Steps
Marúcia Kintschev
Mauri Granado
Miriam Nigri Schereier
Monica Nudelman
Ninetta Him Has
Sukumar Nandi
Pama Loyola
Paola Frisoli
Paula Delmanto
Paula M
Paulo Araujo
Rita Ramos
Chakravarthy Epzstein
Sergio Pinheiro
Shierien Rechulski
Silvia Fernandez
Sonia Gabriele
Sonia Menna Barreto
Sonia T
Susana Barros
Tami Oliveira
Vânia Valdo
Vera Lilia Loures
Vera Sabino
Virginia Se
Wilson Foz
Zina Kossoy

Carmen Inn culture and art
Phone/Fax 55 11 3807-2311
The 55 11 9 9272-1303
Skype carmenpousada
[email protected]

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