BUT promotes free course: Laboratory construction towards art and literature


The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “Laboratory construction towards art and literature: To interpret as an expert” with the Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Landeira.

General objective

– Develop strategies interpretation of art and literature, dialogue between the aesthetic dimensions, social, discursive, semiotics, philosophical and historical works of art and literature.


Specific Objectives

– Interrelate Art, Culture, Subjectivity and Interpretive Procedures.
– Analyze the concept of interpretation of the artwork.
– Relate structural elements of the work of art with social contexts, philosophical, Historic, geographic and aesthetic.
– relate author, work and public (reader).
– Analyze the concepts of time and space in the dynamic construction of the aesthetic sense of the artwork.


In partnership with the investigations carried out by the Graduate “Arte Sacra: History, Culture and Society”, this course, in eight meetings, It is proposed to be a laboratory of interpretation and construction of meaning in the works of art and literature. The term “laboratory” assumes a dynamic focused on the interaction between theory and practice, seeking to be based on problem solving specifically designed so that the course participant can experience their learning pathways. The course relate the formal dimension of the work, with the subjective of the author and the audience / reader in their social contexts and historical production and reception.

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1. The work of art and literature as meaning making machine
2. The author, the work and the reading public
3. What is this that stands before me? The work as a simulacrum of reality
4. The device as intuition to interpret the work of art and literature
5. Every place is one place
6. The time it asks time for the understanding of the work
7. The work of art and literature and the pursuit of transcendence
8. The development of the look that sees art
9. Never trust an artist
10. Always learn from an artist
11. great book, bad movie
12. The hero and his journey
13. The lot of the artwork readings


The content provides basis for the general public wishing to deepen their interpretative skills in the procedures of reading art and literature.


Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Landeira is professor of sacred art museum of São Paulo, degree in Romance languages and literatures at the University of Coimbra, Master's degree in Philology and Portuguese Language (USP) and Ph.d. in language and Education (USP). His research has deepened the relations between artistic language and transcendence.

Dates: 08 days of school
August - 25 (Saturday)
September – 01, 22, 29 (Saturdays)
October – 06, 27 (Saturdays)
November - 24 (Saturday)
December - 01 (Saturday)
Time: from 9:30 am to 12 noon
Load time: 36hs
Value: R$ 500,00 sight - R $ 600,00 (03 times)
Vagas limitadas
Inscriptions: [email protected]
Information: (11) 5627.5393
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676, Light. Subway Tiradentes.
Free parking (or access alternative): Rua Jorge Miranda, 43
At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate.

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