Aaron comes from a family of artists, where grandma is graduated in arts in Germany, the grandfather is a painter, the dad graphic designer, uncles illustrators, sculptors and musicians. “Very early on we noticed the interest of Aaron in art. He however did not live with the family, because they live in Germany”, According to his mother, Rose Proença Barrios.
Began to trace their first lines with 10 months and 1 year and a half already drew people with forms defined (head, body, arms and legs). With 2 He began playing with gouache paints and we could see his ideas set out in the paper. With 3 and a half years left to copy the real and began to play with colors and abstract shapes to the left very satisfied. It is at this point where he began his artistic journey on the screens.
Aaron in action:
In General he does not like the presence of people in the environment that's painting, and leave a screen when stopped. Always like to listen to classical music while paints, the favorite is "Für Elise" by Beethoven. He usually insists on hearing this same song repeatedly as paints.

The House is a colorful Gallery, the room is painted works from the ceiling to the floor, and the ground is full of screens, because nowhere else to hang. His workshop is the backyard, facing to the garden at the back of the House. The environment provides the silence that he needs. He paints always in the morning (6:30 hr, 7:00 hr) where you can hear the birds and see the butterflies in flowers, This little green space where he can play and have fun. The walls at the back of the House and the ground now lead the works he produces.
The inks are chosen by him since the moment of purchasing, and sizes of screens also. When choosing the shapes of fabrics and colors he's always very decided, almost impossible to convince him to change his idea.

Our encouragement they have always been, colored pencil, different types of papers, brushes and gouaches since learned to hold something in your hands. Classical music and music accompany you from the cradle.
He often wakes up in the middle of the night because he had an idea to paint (Screen sample "the duck", the "Race of colors"). When this happens, the next morning can't wait for breakfast and with Pajamas even runs to put on the screen what he had on pretty little head.
As parents often think where is the value of an artwork created by a child. If the process of his creation is a product of chance, intellectual or emotional entirely. But when you look at his process until now we see a mixture of the three. While he likes to experiment using different methods and objects to paint (glass, brush, cake spatula, hair dryer, fork, water, etc ...) We also see that his paintings are loaded with children's emotions. It checks often in happiness and in the comments of the people who see his fabrics, sometimes without knowing the artist or his age.

But it was our discovery, After leaving a camcorder connected while he painted, view that before starting he was silent, thinking about what I was going to paint. We started posting his screens regularly on facebook to keep up with friends, and everyone says how happy they get to see the colors and forms that it uses, get to upset when I post the photos. I made one that a friend instagram insisted to do, and artists from various places like and comment. For us this is all interesting and new and at the same time a little scary track. Why enjoy and love a child's own art is something, But seeing as people accept and like is another.
More works:
- On the screen "lightning of Clouds" he was painted when the sky turned dark suddenly, He ran out to get a blank screen, I asked him why and he said he was going to paint the wind and lightning. This screen has inspired a poem made by a family friend and is at his website.
- The screen "cells", was created after an explanation that I gave (I'm a biologist) him about a questioning of what was a cell. I prepared an egg to explain and then he painted this screen.
- Screen on tv, It was after seeing a shooting star.
- "Rain", It was after a storm, He was looking out the window.
- "Colorful Stone", inspired by images that my husband showed him, beetles bright and colorful ladybugs.
- "Octopus" was a request by the uncle who likes to surf, and sent some images of octopuses to he view.
- "Coloring the blue" was originally a sea landscape, Sky and boat that I asked him to paint, but he didn't like the result and when we realised was all colourful.
[box type=”success” align=”aligncenter” width =”620″ ]ABOUT AARON PROENÇA BARRIOS
Age: 4 years and 8 months.
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Hobbies: Paint, play the piano, cycling, draw cars, and play with hotwheels stands.
Education: Music from 6 months, auto-alfabetizado with 3.5 years, piano 4 years and karate.
Languages: Portuguese, Ingles, German.
WebSite: aaronbarrios.com.br | Instagram: www.instagram.com/aaronpbarrios [/box]
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Aaron is really an artist! Talented Boy!! Success!!!