Otaísa Miranda Goulart, plastic artist from Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais, through affinity with the arts expresses feelings and sensations. The artist believes that art plays a fundamental role in all stages of human development.
Otaísa, Tell us a little about yourself…
My name is OTAÍSA HELENA BORGES DE MIRANDA GOULART, businesswoman, psychopedagogue and visual artist born in Belo Horizonte MG. I have as a hobby painting pictures with acrylic techniques under canvas and street racing.

When she awoke her desire to be an artist?
My desire to be a plastic artist originated during my teaching, where I already practiced in didactic methodology, with songs, paintings and literature.
What kind of art do you like best?
Impressionism with paintings based on acrylic paint.
How did you develop your style (techniques)?
Studying at Maison Escola de Artes in Belo Horizonte, with the master: Yara Tupinambás, I started to develop the acrylic technique under canvas.
Cite if you had artistic influence in your works and which artists?
My influence is inspired by the works of Monet and Van Gogh.
Do you have a family member or acquaintance who is an artist?
I was encouraged by a maternal aunt: Ângela Borges Pinto Ribeiro, who is an interior designer and artist.
Living from art is possible?
I'm sure some artists can do it, but no one I know can survive just selling his art. I understand that sharing professional activity and art, allows you to nurture your creativity and learn more.
Have you ever thought about not acting with the arts? Can you comment why?
I do paintings as a hobby and because I love to paint.
What skills are needed today for the artist?
Having an affinity for drawing and painting is important for the development of your artistic skills. Always being creative and it is important to be observant, have a critical sense and be attentive to all artistic expression, like cinema, theater and nature.
What do you feel when you create or appreciate a work of art?
Happy when we are sad. Art works as a distraction and eliminates the stress of certain problems and the way of expressing what we feel.
What are the inspirations for creating a work of art?
Travel, nature, museums, etc.
Which art has impressed you the most so far?
Monet's garden.
You must always be creating or creating only at certain times?
I create at certain times.
The product of your work is unique or has a close or distant relationship to your previous work?
It's unique.
What are the challenges of art / artist in the current scenario?
In the current pandemic moment, I use painting to relax and unwind.
Social networks have helped you to spread your work?
Yes, in virtual exhibitions and instagram.
How plastic arts can contribute to education and culture?
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Art and culture are very important in a person's intellectual and cognitive development. We know the importance of art as a human tool for the expression of feelings and sensations manifesting and happening in different cultures, spreading values and customs.
Art plays a fundamental role in all stages of human life, worked in various ways as in the visual arts, music, handicrafts and others.
How you analyze the qualities of a work of art?
The quality of works of art is analyzed by reason of the artist's choices, techniques and material used. The theme it conveys and how everything is related. There is a personal style!
What are the criteria for stipulating the value of a work of art?
The value of an artistic production is subjective, in general it is determined by issues related to the arts market.
The importance of the artist comes into play if he was part of exhibitions or collections of notoriety if the work proposes a relevant discussion, if the artist died.
Talk about your projects today?
I am currently participating in virtual exhibitions considering the existence of the pandemic.
What's your advice for those just starting out?
If you are looking to invest in fine arts, must first like artistic manifestations, possessing skills such as being sensitive, observer, authentic and even bold.
How would you define your art in one line?
Arts for me is awakening! Ability to create and express feelings, interact with the world and with others!
Social Media:
Facebook Profile: Otaísa Miranda Goulart
Facebook Profile: Otaísa Helena Miranda Goulart
Instagram: @otaisamirandagoulart
Instagram: @otaisahelena
* Thanks to Buana Lima, advisor to the plastic artist, for all the pertinent information the interview.