Paulo Vitor Carneiro – “Art, the union of concrete and abstract", by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

1- Where did you born? And what is your academic training?

I was born in Rio de Janeiro / RJ. I am a Civil Engineer graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University/RJ.

2- How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?


I always liked to draw and eventually, gave some "spatuladas"… In 2014, a cardiac arrhythmia forced me to reduce my technical activities. So I sought help from a painting teacher, but, soon concludes that brushes, landscapes, casarios etc., they didn't fill me. Without a doubt, abstractionism was the way.

Paulo Vitor Carneiro é Artista Plástico.
Paulo Vitor Carneiro is a Plastic Artist.

3- How did you find this gift?

That's when I decided to be self-taught and try to insist and try to dedicate myself to abstract art. Through the internet I got in touch with countless works and techniques that awakened me.

4- What are your main influences?

I do not receive significant influences in my work as I seek the freedom and freedom that abstract art gives me. Works of non-famous, sometimes the ideas that stick.

5- What materials do you use in your works?

Working with acrylic gel, paints, bitumen, folders and pastes on panels and canvases. My works are sold, already framed.

6- What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?

The desire to create and live art is born from intuition, versatility being one of my characteristics. I have a predominant focus on textures and reliefs and that's how I start my works. Only from these, I will think about the color palette. The process advances, sometimes back and forth in step with the inherent freedom. Sometimes what is green today, may tomorrow turn blue… It's such freedom… My paintings live in the "gerund", until the time of sale.

7- When you started effectively to produce or create your works?

I can consider 2015. At this time I used my summer house as a guinea pig. I made small and medium formats adapted to the spaces available to the point of containing around 60 frames. I believe don't be ashamed, because the whole family approves…

In the beginning of 2019 the first customers appeared, when I moved to larger formats, that give me much more pleasure.

8- Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who would be?

in reality there are 50 years I keep working in engineering. I still work in civil construction today.. I have an eminently technical mathematical posture, far from "stories", whether or not of art. Also for seeking freedom, I don't get hung up on influences. I like to appreciate works by artists often beginners and strangers who, even without explanation really make up my mind.



9- What does art mean to you?

At the age of 73, a nice complement. As long as you can, I will join the "concrete" to the "abstract".

10- What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world? (Whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography… or uses several techniques in order to make a mix of different art forms).

I have in abstract painting, the expression of my truths in this world, increasingly abstract.

11- Every artist has his mentor, that person whom you mirrored that encouraged and inspired you to follow this career you, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who this person is and how it introduced you in the art world?

I have some people, dear ones who always encouraged me. The family reigns in all aspects; still have my sister and a great friend. my children have, I believe between 15 and 20 pictures of mine in their homes;

12- You have another activity beyond art? You teaches classes, lectures etc.?

Yes, We have a small family business in the fields of engineering and asset management.

13- Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards?

As I said, for a few years I have been in artistic activity. The most important exhibition I attended was the “Catavento” by the Artrilha group. I've been participating in several virtual exhibitions at Raphael Art Gallery direction of Edmundo Cavalcanti and Binary Contemporary Art.

I participate in exhibitions regional, notably in Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, Where I live. For some time now I've always had a set of works exhibited for sale at Gallery 27 from Búzios/RJ, in addition to participating in all cultural events in the city. The gallery 27 it's very dynamic, being one of the promoters, from 5 November of 20º Gastronomic Festival of Búzios, at Porto da Barra, with the simultaneous exhibition of sculptures, photographs, paintings and crafts; in the various restaurants of the Polo;

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14- Your plans for the future?

Real awareness of my artistic condition is very important.. I think to continue improving myself, looking for materiality and maturity in my work, focused on my identity.

15- In your opinion what is the future of Brazilian art and its artists? (in the general context) and why so many artists are giving preference to show their work in international exhibitions despite high costs?

Brazilians are extremely creative and able to always reinvent themselves. The evolution of art is, therefore unspoken, especially with the connectivity to the world increasingly present in our steps. There are no limits. I believe that international participation adds value to careers, justifying the investment.

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The apprehension of fluidity in Paulo Vitor's paintings by Ana Mondini

Ana Mondini é Crítica de Arte, Doutora em Filosofia, Artista Plástica, formada pela Escola de música e artes do Paraná e Idealizadora da “Galeria Virtual – Filosofia & Arte” e do canal no YouTube “Entrevista com Artistas & Afins”.
Ana Mondini is an Art Critic, PhD in Philosophy, Visual Artist, graduated from the School of Music and Arts of Paraná and Creator of the “Virtual Gallery – Philosophy & Art” and the YouTube channel “Interview with Artists & Related ”.

Elegance and serenity hover in the artist's paintings Paulo Vitor. Tasteful chromatic palettes bring textures that are now concrete, now esvoaçantes. The immense desire that colors have to remain close to the surface calls our attention.. Even when they are laid out horizontally, do not suggest the illusion of deepening the landscape, but they balance generating the perception shallow. And the use of dark colors, that could penetrate the surface, It seems, before, be a reason to prevent the contrasting color from jumping out of the plane.

It is interesting to note that the little distance between the colors gives a movement in the delimitation of the surface of the plane.. And, in contrast to the feeling of materiality, the colors, in some moments, manifest with a fluid essence, in motion similar to the cloud or smoke itself. Or better, by giving up the illusion caused by geometric or chromatic perspective, so to speak, the artist performs an alchemical process in his paintings, which occurs through the transmutation of pigment materiality into volatile matter. And, and, by capturing and eternalizing the fickle, Paulo Vitor satisfies our perception until then used to the generally fleeting observation of aeriform consistency.

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Instagram: @anamondinigaleriavirtual / Facebook: @ anamondini.galeriavirtual

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Youtube: @Ana Mondini – Interview with Artists & Related

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