The Museum of sacred art promotes a free course on the topic “Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence: House Nadyr de Oliveira / Carlos Millan. Fabio Di Mauro Coordination, Mirza Pellicciotta and Vanessa Kraml.
The goal of the course is to study strategies for the protection and conservation of a modern home designed by São Carlos Millan in the early 1960, with special attention to the preservation of some of their material components (reinforced concrete, sawmill and woodworking building-integrated, landscaping, etc..), as well as your continued use, ensuring a good positioning in the real estate market. The activities will feature metric lifting exercises-architectural, diagnosis with non-destructive techniques and identification of pathological manifestations in order to subsidize project solutions aimed at the conservation of the property. Will also be object of this analysis of course legal procedures and other necessary for the contribution to the preservation of the building.
The course also offers a complementary activity of architectural intervention studies aiming at a more contemporary use of live.
More info, full grid and registration:
Period: from 03 to 14 th July 2017 (from Monday to Friday) |
Complementary Activity: days 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 July |
Time: 13h às 17h |
Load time: 40 to 60 hours |
Value: R$ 900,00 (in sight) or R$ 1.050,00 (03 times) – LIMITED PLACES. Including the Complementary Activity: R$ 1.300,00 (in sight) or R$ 1.410,00 (03 times) – MINIMUM CLASS 10 STUDENTS FOR THE COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITY. |
Inscriptions: [email protected] *Only we post in the group, so there is no spam! You can come calmly.
Information: 11. 5627.5393 Sign up to receive Event News |
Addresses: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo -Av. Tiradentes, 676, Light | Subway Tiradentes |
At the end of the course the student will receive a certificate for each module attended. Minimum required frequency to receive the certificate of each module: 75%
On 27 may at 2:00 pm in the Museum of sacred art of São Paulo there will be a free lecture on the topic for those who want to know a little of what is treated more thoroughly in the course. Information and registration:
Before your registration, check out the conditions under: