The Interior Design, aims to give evidence to the creations of visual artists with a travelling exhibition, programmed for the year 2016. The technical quality was much noted in the selection of artists, among the guests who usually take their work to the public through the Cia Culture Art.
The exhibition brings together work on 30 format×40 cm 37 artists working the most diverse techniques and languages, from naif, engravings, digital art, even works with academic features.
Roaming began in coffee Museum (Botucatú/SP) on December 15, Cultural Centre Master Ahmed (Embu das Artes-SP) and Piola Jardins (São Paulo/SP), in the latter with the closing of the cycle I cocktail to guests.
In cycle II, which will begin in April, the exhibition will be based at Centro Cultural Palace of Ribeirão Preto and JAM Itaim in Sao Paulo.
Artists: Adilson Lee, Ana Andrade, C. Morari, Cristina Lisbon, Denise Müller, Dircéa Mountfort, Eduardo Seixas, Elza Carvalho, Francine Trulio, Galina, Gonçalo Borges, Hazel of San Francisco, Agnes Victoria, Isabel Pacheco, Abdulkareem Mussara Pieratti, Liza Ellwanger, Marco Costa, MF Martina Ficker, Tony, Rafael Murió, Aremi Palaro Raquel Iverniz, Regina Franco, Regina Maria of passion, Regina Velloso, Ricardo Alves, Rimaro, Rosa East, Rosângela Vig, Silvana Borges, Silvia Carrano, Tiarô, Vera Bekin,Vildete Pesuto, Vilson Pallaro, Zina Kossoy.
As artists have produced:
The challenge for the work to be performed under the Interior theme, deliberately comprehensive and that could be addressed concretely or subjective, allowing artists to use the creativity without the limits imposed by a theme.
The supervisor of this project, Oscar D ´ Ambrosio has drawn up the following text for support of the participants:
Interior design proposes two distinct and complementary dives. Can be read as a journey through the interior of one of the country's States or as a journey through the bowels of Brazil. It is also possible to understand him as a walk, more or less comfortable, According to the experience of each, by ourselves.
The fact is that the paths are pleasant Interiors and painful at the same time. Include peer into what we did, who we are and what we can be, whether it's a personal or collective sphere. Advance in what was built means reflect on what if hit and peer into where we want and we can get.
It is, in whole, coexistence between what we want and what we can actually. Thus arises a restlessness that can earn a diversified plastic expression. This ability of each think and create is limited by the barriers that each places and according to your interests, conditions and capabilities.
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The distance between what we imagine and what effectively we can bring the denser Interior meaning. The Brazil deeper or more profound that we are arises from an construction full of mishaps, setbacks and advances. Every day, and, We are no worse or better, but different, more inside of ourselves.
Oscar D ’ Ambrosio is doctor of education, Arts and history of Culture and a master's degree in Visual Arts from Unesp. Member of the International Association of art critics (Brazil Section).
The Cia Culture Art, Director of this project operates in the market of art with artistic marketing, promoting cultural events in Brazil and abroad.
This project has the support of the Piola Jardins, Newspaper Without Frontiers, Botucatú Coffee Museum, Municipal culture of Embu das Artes, Home of the Restorer, SINAPESP, Life House of the Granja Viana, Cultural Center Palace of Ribeirão Preto and JAM Group.