Happened in the last day 24 May the vernissage of the last phase of the project in May Europe - Angels Collective Art Studio, curated by Maria Angels Oliveira, internationally renowned curator and participation of talented Brazilian and international artists.
This final stage took place in the charming "The Vienna Workshop Gallery" in Vienna City in Austria.
Were guests present, participating artists, art lovers and collectors.
The event will be open to the public of 24 of the May 06 June 2018.
In this exhibition the public will have the opportunity to enjoy many art styles, painting, photography and sculptures.
Besides being present in a very elegant and pleasant environment, where breathes art.
Participating artists.
golden Sacaramuzza – Brasil
Alex Straub – Brasil
Carlos Lameiro – Portugal
Conceição Rosa – Brasil
Claudia Schmidt – Brasil
Felipe Raizer – Brasil
Gisele Faganello – Brasil
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Ilana Bauberger – Brasil
Leoni – Bolivia
Maria Fernanda – Brasil
Sameer – Brasil
São Paulo – Brasil
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