The History of Dance: From Antiquity to the Present Day

The History of Dance: From Antiquity to the Present Day. Image By vecstock.

Dance is a form of artistic expression that dates back to the beginnings of civilization, playing a fundamental role in culture and society throughout the centuries. From sacred rituals to entertainment events, dance has evolved in fascinating ways, reflecting social changes, cultural and technological throughout history. In this article, we will embark on … Read more

Craftsmanship: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Enthusiasts

Craftsmanship: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Enthusiasts. Pressfoto image on Freepik.

Artesanato é a prática de criar objetos decorativos, utilitários ou mesmo obras de arte utilizando habilidades manuais e técnicas tradicionais. Você pode explorar o fascinante mundo do artesanato com nosso guia completo e se destacar com todas as dicas. One of the main attractions of craftsmanship is its diversity of styles and techniques., que vão desdeRead more

BUT promotes summer school: History in Icons

The sacred art museum promotes a summer school on the theme “History in Icons”, with Professor. Plinio Freire Gomes. In the world of culture, certain crucial moments embody artifacts of civilization. To be confused with the circumstances that illustrate and that keeps them alive, provide an insider's view on the history. More … Read more
