Through your book, Journalist teaches us what fighting is, perseverance and resilience

Eliane Canegal, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The journalist Eliane Canegal - black woman, born in the suburb of Rio, mother of two children, postgraduate in marketing and with 47 years - is a great example of overcoming and love of life. She has been through 15 surgeries and continuing to face, head up, the disease that completely changed your life: a cancer. … Read more

Ex-student of Panamericana is featured in the Spanish magazine ArtNobel

Karina Sechi is recognized for her work in valuing the beauty of women with breast cancer Spanish photographer Karina Sechi, formed by Panamericana School of Art and Design, was featured in the fourth edition of the Spanish magazine of contemporary art, ArtNobel, com o projeto fotográfico “MirAr-te”. Este trabalho retrata mulheres durante e após o tratamento doRead more

Pink Ribbon Foundation and Americas Friends light up the Christ in October Rose

Associations recognized in the work of raising awareness and fighting breast cancer launch a crowdfunding campaign to take patients to the pink lighting of Christ the Redeemer Christ the Redeemer, one of the main tourist points of Rio de Janeiro, is about to receive, once again, pink lighting as a way of raising awareness for combat … Read more