Reynaldo Gianecchini and several famous will be on show in Brazil China Cinema in Rio de Janeiro

. Arthur Chen and actor and screenwriter Junior Provesi organize Shows Film China Brazil in Rio de Janeiro and meet celebrities like Reynaldo Gianecchini, Deborah Evelyn, Sonia Bridi e Carlos Vereza Com o objetivo de estreitar os laços entre os dois países, acontece a primeira Mostra de Cinema Brasil China no Rio deRead more

historical drama "The Price of Peace" wins release in digital platforms

São Paulo, June 2018 - The film "The Price of Peace", first feature film director Paulo Morelli, It was launched on 21 June on iTunes, Google Play e NOW. shot in 1999 and released on 2003, o drama histórico conta a história real de uma revolução e um barão no final do SéculoRead more
