Over 80 Archaeological pieces are stolen from the Andean Museum, no Chile

Andean Museum/Claro Vial Foundation, North Coast Peru, Chimu culture, necklace in gold. Photo: IPHAN.

were stolen, on 05 of June, various assets from the collection of the Andino Museum/Fundación Claro Vial, located in the commune of Buin, no Chile. Are about 80 parts, which include body adornments and ritual elements from various pre-Columbian cultural traditions, as Tiwanaku, Chimu, Moche, Chiriqui, Quimabya, Tolima, Sica-Lambaieque and others. The alert was reported by the Organization … Read more

In the International Year of Indigenous Languages, Tomorrow Museum launches "Living Time - Indigenous Matrix"

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

With the theme "Ecology of languages", program will have musical activity, read excerpts from "The fall of the sky", David Kopenawa and Bruce Albert, with the participation of Camila Pitanga and other guests, and Reading Club about the work In the International Year of Indigenous Languages, celebrated by UNESCO in this 2019, the Museum of Tomorrow … Read more

Second Edition of ICAE

2International Congress of art Expertise (ICAE 2018). Registration open until 30/11/17 - LIMITED PLACES.

International Congress of art Expertise to Givoa Consulting SRL, first company art experts of the region presents the launch of the second edition of the ICAE. This international event will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro the day 24 March 2018 at the Windsor Barra Hotel. Declarado de Interesse Cultural pelo MinistérioRead more

Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history

National Library of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Barguine.

What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil. That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” … Read more

Hoffmann House, a democratic space open to all styles of dance

Hoffmann House. Photo: Disclosure.

In this 29 April, International dance day established by Unesco, Hoffmann House reinforces the policy of opening its doors to all forms of expression and for the most varied rhythms and dance styles – classic, contemporary, Afro, hip hop, Gypsy dance, circular dance, Capoeira and dance hall. Dedicada ao estudoRead more

PICTURES AND BRINCANTES, Art and Performance in Popular culture

Opening: 14 th November of 2015, at 3 pm Otto's Show: 17h Address: Estrada do Pontal, 3295, Recreio dos Bandeirantes With a show by Otto, Casa do Pontal Museum opens the exhibition in the party mood to mark the 10 years of three great achievements for the folk art: UNESCO certification that diversity … Read more

Festival art and science – Light and movement

From 20 to 23 October full conference registrations on the website: www.museudeartedorio.org.br the Museum of art of River-SEA, under the management of the Odeon and Institute in partnership with BG Brazil, performs, through the School Look, the Art and Movement Festival. The debates and workshops take place between 20 and 23 October … Read more

V international exhibition of Visual Arts HOW/AIAP 2015 by Rosângela Vig

V International Visual Arts Salon SINAP/AIAP Organized by Cia Arte Cultura and curated by Paco de Assis, took place on 4 July, the V international exhibition of Visual Arts HOW/AIAP (National Union of plastic arts – Brazilian National Committee of AIAP, UNESCO). Among the venues that have played host to the … Read more