“What about the Biennial?” by Glauco Mathur

I have a passion for fine arts, Anyone who knows me knows that! I Have 18 years of career and always pawned in various functions involving this playful and charming world. In addition to artist, I'm a curator, teacher, collector and, of course, lover of the arts. I love traveling in search of knowledge and to appreciate what is … Read more

Glauco Mathur presents unprecedented exposure in Belo Horizonte

Are 18 years the arts. Artist, curator, enthusiast, collector, Professor and entrepreneur, Glauco Mathi focused his life on his passion for works of art, getting involved in large and varied activities of this branch. Arriving at the "age" of this journey, He decided to give a new direction to your enterprise. Com o objetivo de levar suasRead more

Glauco Mathur presents exhibition "pages of the book: The revelation of narcissus "for guests

The artist Glauco Mathew is 1000 per hour! With several ideas and projects for the new stage of his career, he receives guests, journalists and opinion leaders on the day 14 September (on wednesday), at the Maison School and art gallery, from 8:00 pm, para o coquetel de abertura da exposição “PáginasRead more

Glauco Mathur: one of the most portrayed the country

One of the ways in which the artists see and represent yourself, the self-portrait is a genre of painting that became widely used from the Italian Renaissance. Among the artists that stand out in this type of farming are Rembrandt, Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh. Many times, o autorretrato desses mestres daRead more

More to enjoy… works to decorate

Besides expression of feelings and a good investment, the art can also be a decoration of environments. In order to portray the personality of the resident, works of art give more charm and even certain attitude to spaces… Fierce and passionate collector, plastic artist Glauco Moraes defends the use of pieces … Read more

Glauco Mathew and Guinard: a later poetic

Just like the seasons, We live several cycles in our lives. There is time to start and finish to start over. And, It's no different with the artists, finalizing your cycles so poetic and beautiful. Terminating your step as curator, the artist Glauco Mathur presents to the public the miner exhibition "Guignard Always", who … Read more

Beyond art… dialects, codes and cryptic stories behind great works

Art is subjective and, as much as the artists try to express your perspective on things, each one understands according to your experience. Imagine if in addition to this subjectivity the painters put a dash of mystery around his works? The Mona Lisa and the last supper, by Leonardo Da Vinci and A … Read more

An artist the weight of gold miner, shielded in a Web of entrepreneurs and investors

Over 15 years of career as an artist and a great experience in curating of exhibitions and as art teacher. This is a part of the history of artist Glauco Mathur. Passionate for the arts, In addition to painter, He is a great collector and one of the main propagators of the plastic arts in the country. These … Read more