“Interview with Marie-Louise Plum”, by: Juliana Vannucchi

Marie-Louise Plum, artwork - featured.

I talked to the talented English painter Marie-Louise Plum, who told me the story of his incredible artistic trajectory and made several reflections about the meaning of art and the effects it can have on people's lives. We also address other issues, as the possibility of living professionally as in painting and also… … Read more

Brazil In Focus

Antonia Celia, Warmth (I). Photo: Disclosure.

Artist Antonia Celia exposes his works at the Gallery 32, in London Recognised by your subtlety and elegance, the Brazilian artist Antonia Celia presents two works at the Gallery 32, located in London, Embassy in Brazil. The frames, created especially for the event, entitled Coziness and warmth I II, poderão ser vistos peloRead more

Paula Klien exposes, at the same time, unpublished works in London and Berlin, in September

Paula Klien. Photo: Alessandro Mari.

After individual in the German capital, in February, and participation in Clio Art Fair, in NYC, and in arteBA, in Buenos Aires, a artista plástica brasileira volta a apresentar seu trabalho na Europa utilizando pintura em nanquim Única brasileira participando da coletiva “Asia On My Mind” na aquabitArt gallery, Berlin, from 4 to 20 August, … Read more
