In the week of children Villa-Lobos unites dance and drama to the sound of Camerata Antiqua

To celebrate Children's Day, more than 50 dance artists, music and theater come together in the Teatro Positivo stage, day 12 October, for Villa-Lobos concert for Children. The show teaches about the world of classical music from the story of the boy Tuhu, the little Heitor Villa-Lobos that, no world … Read more

Camerata Antiqua presents show children

The program "Feeding with music", created by the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba with the goal of spreading among children classical music, features “The magic of Concert Tuhu” – Villa-Lobos for children this Saturday, day 10, às 18h30, in the chapel Santa Maria. This year the theme will be the Brazilian Songbook in the compositions of Heitor Villa-Lobos, and … Read more
