Arts Foundation offers 300 free places in training courses in the cultural area, by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig é Artista Plástica e Professora de História da Arte.
Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related:

Aimed at technical specialties in the cultural area, the courses focus on collaborating with the professionalization of future artists and their insertion in the job market, expanding possibilities of action within the sector in multiple functions.

Until the day 15 August, to São Caetano do Sul Arts Foundation is open for registration for free courses in eight modalities: Cultural Events Agent, Scenography / Cenotechnics, Dramaturgy, Costumes, Makeup, Dance Practices, Cultural Production and Cultural Recreation.

Three hundred free places will be available, for people over sixteen, through the New Paths Program / Pronatec (National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment) in FIC mode (Initial and Continuing Education), a partnership signed by the Institution with the Federal Government in 2017.

With workload between 160 and 200 hours, the courses are of short duration and will be held remotely, in a dynamic conduction of creative processes at a distance, while face-to-face activities are not authorized. Classes will take place twice a week in the evening and / or Saturday mornings and afternoons, totaling six hours weekly load.

Empowering artists for the job market in areas such as performing arts, cinema, advertising and television, with these courses, the Institution invests in the development of skills that enable students to work on projects of an artistic nature, cultural and / or sociocultural in different environments, languages ​​and techniques.

In the modalities Cultural Events Agent and Cultural Production, skills will be developed that involve from the organization, elaboration and planning of an event of any artistic language, going through its development until the final execution.
In the course of Dramaturgy, the focus is the practice of textual writing for the theater, audiovisual and other scenic languages, allowing the student to create scripts for films and series, theatrical plays, among others.

In Scenography / Cenotechnics, the approach is to create or monitor the creative process of scenarios for shows, events, showcases or audiovisual productions.

The creation and manufacture of costumes for characters in the performing arts, cinema, advertising and television, of props and objects for cultural institutions, and other possibilities of visual narratives applied to the different possibilities of the market, are topics covered in the Costumes.

no action Dance Practices choreographic composition and assistance in creative and technical processes in dance are addressed, allowing the reflection of the body as an instrument of its own and artistic expression.

The course of Makeup, besides being scenic it also has a social character. Makeup is understood not only as an aesthetic resource, but also of correction and quality of life, enabling action in connection with the health area.

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And for those who want to play games, entertainment and leisure, the course of Cultural Recreation uses dance resources, theater, music, circus and elements of popular culture. The student is trained to work in schools, educational and artistic institutions, and in festive and commemorative activities.

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FIC courses (Initial and continuing training) are actions of Pronatec - Federal Government Program - which aims to offer short courses to expand, internalize, diversify and democratize the offer of professional and technological education courses.

The program's priority audience is public high school students, including youth and adult education, workers, beneficiaries of federal cash transfer programs, disabled people, Indian people, quilombola communities, young people in compliance with socio-educational measures, people in situations of social and economic vulnerability. But anyone interested, over sixteen, can apply for the selection process.

Registration for FIC courses – Initial and Continuing Education – Arts Foundation:
– When: from 04 to 15 August 2020
– Courses: Cultural Events Agent, Scenography / Cenotechnics, Dramaturgy, Costumes, Makeup, Dance Practices, Cultural Production and Cultural Recreation
– Minimum age: 16 years
* It is not necessary to be a resident of São Caetano do Sul to participate.
– Inscriptions: free, carried out through the website:

Source: Public Notices and Related.

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