Art, cinema, improvisational theatre and African cultures are the first topics of
workshops offering a new way to keep your French days
The from April, the Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro will offer cultural workshops, an initiative that enables new ways to keep the French in day, more related languages using various themes that promote intercultural exchange between Brazil and the Francophonie. The courses will take place at various points of the city and, initially, have the subjects of fine arts, cinema, improvisational theatre, In addition to a cycle of debates on African cultures. Classes are held in French and the minimum level required is B1 complete.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignright” ]According to the common European framework of references for languages, with the B1 level a person is able to understand and react to situations that you will find on a trip to France, participate actively in conversations and debates on various issues, being able to argue way fluent. This level is equivalent to 3 years and a half of language studies.[/box]
One of the strongest points of these workshops is the possibility to interpret scholars, writers, directors, among other icons francophones without natural losses that occur in translations. As well as developing techniques of performance, improvisation or learn about music and culture from the African continent.

The movie lessons in French are conducted under the guidance of Léonard Collette, graduated in Cinema at the Université Paris 8 (France-2011) and formed toward the film film school Darcy Ribeiro (Brazil-2014). The novelty in this semester will be offered two modules from the workshop held at the branch of Botafogo: the "history and language" for beginners, held on Mondays, from 19h to 21h, and the "cinematic Genres", on Tuesdays, at the same time, for people who have certain knowledge or film culture. The first modality students will learn about the history of world cinema, with an emphasis on French cinema, beyond language and film elements, developing the critical view of the students. In the second mode the discussions are focused on the analysis of films and in the various genres of cinema.

The workshop of Visual Arts in French and Portuguese is performed by the teacher and artist Guillaine Querrien and intended to artists. With drawing sessions from a fixed model on pastel books, coal, gouache and ink, proposes to develop a graphic and pictorial language from observation of shapes and lights. "The student may acquire a personal artistic vocabulary, diversity of traits, a seizure of space by drawing practice. This will give opportunity to create personal works in various formats and media ", comments on the artist. The classes will be held on Wednesdays, the 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, at the Botanical Garden.
Beginning on 6 April, in an inaugural class free, in the branch of the Alliance Française Tijuca, the workshop called “Francofolia” offers classes of improvisational theatre in Portuguese and French, with the franco-brazilian actress Hissa of Urkiola nature reserve. The meetings are practical: After a brief vocal and physical warm-up, all improvise. In these lessons theory is learned through practice, the equivalent of a conversational course. According to Hissa "improvisation is útll for learning languages, in any profession and in everyday life, especially for shy people, because if trains to deal with contingencies and don't be afraid to make mistakes ", explains. Besides the classes, students are invited to perform at the Mediateca of the Consulate of France and at the Fort of Copacabana, Short Festival with Theatre at the end of the year.
Encouraging also the discussions on francophone culture and brazilian, the cycle of lectures "African Connection", proposed by blogger Stéphanie Malherbe and held at the Alliance Française Ipanema aims to contribute to the knowledge of the African continent, their cultures, music, their peoples and their countries, whose presence and role in the construction of Brazil are important, Although little known.
Registrations can be made at any branch of the Alliance Française.
About the Alliance Française
The Alliance Française celebrated 130 years of activities in Brazil 2015. Besides being a reference in the language, she is, no doubt, the most respected institution and known the world, when it comes to the spread of the French language and Francophone cultures. She has, currently, more than 850 units 135 countries, where they study about 500.000 students. In France, it has schools and cultural centers for foreign students. Brazil has the world's largest network of French Alliances with 40 associations and 69 units.
It is the only institution in Brazil authorized by the Embassy of France, to apply the tests that give access to international diplomas DELF and DALF, recognized by the French Ministry of National Education. The French Alliance is also the center of official exams for the application of international tests valid for two years TCF (The French Knowledge Test) and TEF (French Assessment Test) and the national test valid for one year Capes (recognized by agencies CAPES and CNPq MEC). The French Alliance in Brazil develops partnerships with numerous French and Brazilian companies as well as being an essential actor Franco-Brazilian cultural dialogue.
Film history and Language workshop
Period: Mondays, until 20/06
Time: The 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Local: Botafogo auditorium of the Alliance Française
Address: Rua Muniz Barreto, 730
Cinema workshop Film Genres
Period: Tuesdays, until 20/06
Time: The 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Local: Botafogo auditorium of the Alliance Française
Address: Rua Muniz Barreto, 730
Visual Arts
Period: Wednesdays, until 21/06
Time: the 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Local: Botanical Garden Branch
Maria Angéiica, 168
Workshop for over 18 years.
Francofolia – improvisational theatre
Date: Wednesdays, from 06/04 to 29/06
Time: The 18:30h to 20h
Local: Alliance Française of Tijuca
Address: Rua Andrade Neves, 315
Workshop for over 15 years.
Africa Connection
Date: on Tuesdays, from 19:15 to 21:15
Local: Alliance Française Botafogo
Address: Rua Muniz Barreto, 730
Workshop for over 15 years.