How to clean painted walls and maintain them correctly?

How to clean painted walls and maintain them correctly?. Photo: Woman photo created by wayhomestudio -

[dropcap]The[/dropcap]s paredes pintadas de uma casa dão todo um charme e elegância à decoração, and they are fundamental pieces when choosing the design style that you will use in structuring the environment as a whole.. Besides, these walls can be a standout environment in the house, a structure to support a style in … Read more

How to create functional environments?

How to create functional environments?. Photo: Twenty-one Popa no Pexels.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]your home is your refuge. It's where you can feel safe and relaxed when life becomes overwhelming.. And to provide that air to your home, nothing better than creating functional and relaxing environments. Certain decor options help to promote this sense of peace., e como você decora um espaço podeRead more

Scandinavian style of decor: know more about

Scandinavian style of decor: know more about. Photo: Photo frame created by -

[dropcap]P[/dropcap]white sands, hardwood floors, modern furniture and minimalist decor are all traces of the Scandinavian style of decor.. More than just furniture, Scandinavian design draws from Nordic influences and incorporates contributions from talented Scandinavian designers. Scandinavian design is a prominent movement that influenced everything., desde a arquitetura e design deRead more

Marble: how to use it in decoration?

Marble: how to use it in decoration?. Photo: Max Vakhtbovych no Pexels.

[dropcap]The [/dropcap] mármore é um material versátil que traz muita sofisticação e elegância para qualquer ambiente, and has a high strength and durability. For those looking to build or renovate, good ideas are always welcome. At times, several professionals can come to be useful, as designers, architects and engineers. A good consultation about materials and their … Read more

Know how to use lettering in your decoration

Know how to use lettering in your decoration. Photo: Woman photo created by -

[dropcap]On[/dropcap]the world of decoration, everything can become a good decorative element, you just need to be creative and know how to decorate the chosen material with the organization of the place. what goes for objects, colors, images and even through lettering. It is precisely because of this variety that it is possible to find the most … Read more

Tips for choosing the best type of tile for your kitchen

Tips for choosing the best type of tile for your kitchen. Photo: Home photo created by wirestock -

[dropcap]The[/dropcap] decorating an environment depends on a set of techniques, objects and styles, so that the decoration chosen for a room can stand out or adapt to the general style adopted in the decoration of the place, with similar flooring and tile. That's why the job of a decorator is increasingly … Read more

How to Build a Luxury Bathroom in Your Home?

How to Build a Luxury Bathroom in Your Home?. Photo: Max Vakhtbovych no Pexels.

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]azer um banheiro luxuoso é uma excelente maneira de aumentar consideravelmente o valor venal de um imóvel. The bathroom is a very intimate room., and putting refinement and good taste in this space allows much more tranquility for the user. To create a bathroom with all the luxury possible, the process is not difficult, although it demands … Read more

How to adhere to urban style?

How to adhere to urban style?. Photo: Sharath G. no pexels.

[dropcap]The [/dropcap] estilo urbano tem ganhado muita popularidade ao longo dos últimos anos e são inúmeras pessoas que tentam replicá-lo em suas casas, apartments and even in offices. Today's text will address how to adhere to urban style investing in your decor, what furniture and utensils to use, which wallpaper to buy, such as … Read more
