they were already here

the essence of a people that materializes as a creative desire"


The BASE gallery open to exhibitionthey were already here”, curated by Paul Azeco and artistic coordination of Daniel Maranhão viewing, approximately, 50 works. The works presented have a pluralism of colors and shapes, compositions and views of native artists from the most distinct Brazilian scenarios. "Without being tied to the discussions of the nomenclatures of the so-called popular Art, how naive, spontaneous, naive or not scholar, we are pleased to present a powerful set, extensive and, especially, plural”, explains Daniel Maranhão.

The selected artists "are individuals whose creativity reflects an assumed life, where imagination reintegrates and reinvents the objects of existing. (…..)the artistic making, as a vital process linked to the human condition, finds in the artists of this exhibition their amplifier channels, where from the wisdom and experiences inherited, transcend the act of simple doing reaching the "Dream", as in Gullar's phrase (‘art exists because reality is not enough… What I want is a dream’)”, curator defines the.

Important works were gathered, between paintings and sculptures, of names like Agnaldo dos Santos, Artur Pereira, Conception of Bruges, Chico da Silva, GTO, José Antônio da Silva, José Bezerra, Lorenzato, Maria Auxiliadora, Master Guarany, Master Nuca, mirian, Nino, Nhô Caboclo, Poteiro, Ranchinho, Bro, plus Rubem Valentim, that represent what is most prominent.


As an additional gift to the public, the show features a clipping of a valuable private collection, resulting from decades of acquisitions made under the keen eye of its owner, whose project is to create a museum to receive the complete set. Possibly, this will be one of the last opportunities to admire these works before they are allocated in the new space.

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In relation to the artists in the exhibition "They are unconscious subversors of a pattern of both process and creation and therefore their power deserves to be seen and thought of as an essential driving force for the formation of a truly Brazilian cultural identity", concludes Paul Azeco.

Galeria BASE complies with all sanitary protocols determined by the competent authorities regarding COVID 19.

Exhibition: “they were already here
Curator: Paul Azeco
Artistic Coordination: Daniel Maranhão
Administrative Coordination: Leonardo Servolo and Cassia Malusardi
Opening: 14 August - Saturday – from 12:00 to 18:00
Period: from 14 august to 18 September 2021
Time: from Tuesday to Friday, from 11am to 7pm; Saturday, from 11am to 3pm.
Local: BASE gallery
Address: Al Franca 1030, Jardim Paulista || 01422-002 | São Paulo, SP
Phone: (11) 3062 6230 || Whatsapp (11) 98327 9775 / (11) 98116 6261
E-mail: [email protected]
Number of works: 50
Techniques: several
Dimensions: varied
Price: s / consultation

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