#BUT promotes free course: “The Christian Iconography In Brazilian Baroque”


The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Christian Iconography In Brazilian Baroque” with the Prof. Horacio Marcos Gomes Dias holds a Ph.D..


The images of the saints are among the most pervasive themes in colonial Brazil, mainly by the religious orders and the secular religiosity. Are the best examples of personal devotions and church official discourse. Its artistic construction is based on hagiography, books and treatises on symbols and oral tradition. In the Brazilian Baroque, survive saints of ancient tradition and more recent ones that were brought to the altar by the spirit of the Counter-Reformation. The course objective is to present a study on the Christian iconography of Brazilian colonial art of the sixteenth century, XVII e XVIII. The course features the production, circulation and appropriation of representations that qualify the production of Brazilian religious iconography of the time. The course aims, mainly, present the basic elements of the narrative of these images.



– Present art, culture and symbolism as reflective material;
– Analyze, criticize and contextualize the religious iconography of the Old Testament, the New Testament, invocations and representations of Christ, the invocations to Mary and the saints from various religious orders and brotherhoods.
– Show Religious Iconography as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge: Literature, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Theology etc.;
– Choose specific topics for various research work and stimulate production projects where the use of Christian religious iconography is present.


01 August 2018
CLASS 1 - The iconography of the Old Testament
The Old Testament images are understood in their age, on the way to prepare for the birth of Christianity and the greatness of the Church in Rome. In the Old Testament, We can find examples for the conduct of a people, respect to the patriarchs, respect the laws, of kings who are God-fearing and rituals needed to maintain faith. The Paradise Fall, the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, patriarchs, judges and kings, prophets.

08 August 2018
CLASS 2 - Angels and Sacred Parentela of Christ
Jesus Christ has an ancient lineage, and seamlessly, mainly, sagrada. For this, a number of characters is basted in a unique story to confirm that heredity. Santa Ana, São Joaquim, Santa Isabel, San Zaccaria, St. John The Baptist, St. Joseph, Saint Gabriel the Archangel, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Raphael the Archangel, The Hierarchy of Angels and Saints Kings.

15 August 2018
CLASS 3 – Maria: Queen of Heaven
The iconography of Mary meets and regulates everyday sociability issues, determines gestures, It makes references to cities or regions, determines and justifies privileges various moments of life of individuals. In monumental altars of temples, Madonna is inducted between the saints and placed in curtained niches. Mysteries of the life of Mary, thanks and privileges, Maria meets the needs of men, invocations of places and various invocations.

22 August 2018
CLASS 4 - Invocations and representations of Christ
Jesus Christ, central figure of Devotions, in the State of Minas Gerais, It will be represented at almost every moment of his life. Birth and Childhood, the beginning of his ministry, last days of the life of Jesus Christ, crucifixion, resurrection. The Holy Trinity.

29 August 2018
CLASS 5 - Apostles and Evangelists
The representation of the evangelists brings credibility to the biblical texts, it would be one of the first followers of Jesus Christ. The images of the four evangelists can also be broadcast in conjunction with the images of the other apostles: André, Bartholomew, Felipe, Jude, Paulo, Pedro, Simon, James the Greater, James the Less and Thomas.

05 September 2018
CLASS 6 - Martyrs, Warriors and Hermits
These characters are representatives of early Christianity, the time when the new religion appears and begins to spread across the Roman Empire. These saints justify the monastic life and its examples are a way to criticize certain social behaviors to check the sobriety of character and restraint of actions.

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12 September 2018
CLASS 7 – The Church and the Clergy
Heirs of the apostles, we have pictures of the popes saints, the Doctors of the Church, the holy bishops, those who did theology and members of the Church hierarchy.

19 September 2018
CLASS 8 - Santos Monastic Orders: Benedictines and Carmelites
These monastic orders, according to his patron or founder, establish for themselves a conduct and action in the world. The brothers who participate in these associations have coded actions and attitudes and expected. Saints of the Order of Saint Benedict and the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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26 September 2018
CLASS 9 - Santos Monastic Orders: Dominicans and Franciscans
These monastic orders, according to his patron or founder, establish for themselves a conduct and action in the world. The brothers who participate in these associations have coded actions and attitudes and expected. Order of Saints Dominicans and Franciscans.

03 October 2018
CLASS 10 – Jesuits, Mercedarians and Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary
These monastic orders, according to his patron or founder, establish for themselves a conduct and action in the world. The brothers who participate in these associations have coded actions and attitudes and expected. Saints of the Jesuit Order, Mercedarians and Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary.

10 October 2018
CLASS 11 –. Invocations low frequency
Combined with the most far-reaching devotions, we can find, yet, images of saints of other religious orders, even with little appeal in the Brazilian colonial universe, away from its main headquarters and without churches or temples themselves, They help make the religious iconographic discourse of the time. Santos Agostiniamos.

17 October 2018
CLASS 12 - Vanity, Time and Death
The iconography related to death and the apocalypse faces, fragile and moralistic way, the question of time and the need for a holy life. The existence is seen passing way, in which, all succumb to death and the ravages of time. we have, here, Vanitas paintings that present a lot of allegories about death and depict a moralizing content scores, skulls, hourglasses and candles.


The content provides support for scholars of art, historians, professionals linked to literature and media, religious, researchers, teachers wishing to develop the theme in the classroom, professionals in all areas, College students and those interested in General.


Horacio Marcos Gomes Dias holds a Ph.D. in Social History from PUC-SP; Master in Social History at USP; a graduate degree in art and Baroque Culture by the Institute of philosophy, Art and culture of the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) and a Bachelor's degree in social sciences from USP. Has experience in the field of history and sociology, with emphasis in History, acting on the following subjects: Art History; History of Baroque and Rococo; Art and culture in Minas Gerais; Neoclassical, Empire and the 19th century in Brazil; Culture theory; Historical Heritage; History of image Production; Communication theory and socio-economic Reality and Brazilian politics.

Period: 01 august to 17 October 2018 (Wednesdays)
12 days of school
Class: 19h30 as 22h00 (coffee break)
Load time: 36 hours
Value: R$ 600,00 the view or R$ 690,00 (03 times)
Inscriptions: [email protected]
Information: (11) 5627.5393
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676, Light. Subway Tiradentes.
Free on-site parking: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43
At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate.

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