Launches and new shares in various platforms allow museum touch with your friends and the general public
Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, taking into account the guidelines of the competent bodies to contain the spread of Covid-19, clenches his physical ports and strengthens its presence in the digital universe with new shares and presentation of an unpublished work.
As a highlight action, presents new documentary about his space and its history – “Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo - Very Nice!”, written and directed the multimedia artist Ricardo Van Steen. Trivia, feelings, emotions, personal accounts, historical and technical composes the piece. The video features several characters testimonials from records, various forms of, It has affection and / or professional ties to the institution, such as: On. Arnold Julian - Chaplain of the Monastery of Light; artists Carlos Eduardo Uchoa, Elisa Cue and Paulo von Poser, the curator Renato de Cara and the designer Rodrigo Edelstein. Marilia Botelho Albuquerque responsible for production.
Led by dialogue, the public strolling the aisles of one of the oldest buildings of the colonial period paulistano, whose construction began in 1774 – the Monastery of Light - home to the headquarters of the Museum of Sacred Art, with its rich collection, inserted in the central area of one of the largest cities in the world.
The visual sensitivity director Ricardo van Steen Displays, in about thirty minutes, clippings from one of the greatest Baroque art collections of the State of São Paulo, statuary of the coins and / or clothing to the very architecture of the building. For the teacher and architect Paulo From Poser, the museum arouses curiosity "of a building that has not changed in a city that has changed completely". A visual artist Elisa Cue comments: "Every artist has a conception of what is the light", referring to the exhibits in the museum showcases.
The narrative arc is quite broad, divided into themes such as "Art and Peace”, “Guardians of Culture”, “Baroque Modernity”, “wisdoms”, “The safe box”, “Trivia” e “Future”; all commentaries by leading professionals in their areas of expertise, enriched by meaningful images.
The piece will be available, with exclusivity, no canal de YouTube do MAS / SP, which also has access to temporary exhibitions of videos made in MAS / SP, where all this content has been designed with accessibility features for the hearing impaired.
As parallel actions, the MAS / SP releases free access to several exhibition catalogs and books on his page on Issuu ( – online platform for reading. Social networks - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter – follow in full swing delivering daily content as curiosities, information, Highlights of the collection, small interactive games, among other.
Documentary: “Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo - Very Nice!” |
Direction, script and concept: Ricardo van Steen |
Launch: 03 April 2020 - Friday - to 14hs |
YouTube: MASDigital |
Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo |
WebSite: museuartesacra |
Instagram: museuartesacra |
Facebook: MuseuArteSacra |
Twitter: MuseuArteSacra |
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 -Light, São Paulo (Tiradentes station of subway) |
Tel.: 11 3326-5393 |
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Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo - Press office
Silvia Balady | [email protected] | (11) 3814-3382
Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative - Press office
Stephanie Gomes | [email protected] | (11) 3339-8243
The Museum
The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, It is one of the most important of its kind in the country. It is the result of an agreement signed between the State Government and Mitra Archdiocese of Sao Paulo, in 28 October 1969, and its installation date 29 June 1970. Since then, the Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo He came to occupy wing of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Light, on Avenida Tiradentes, downtown São Paulo. The building is one of the most important monuments of colonial architecture São Paulo, built of rammed earth, rare remaining example in the city, last farm convent city. It was listed by the Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute National, in 1943, and the Council for the Defense of Heritage, Architectural artistic and the State of São Paulo, in 1979. It has much of its collection also listed by IPHAN, since 1969, whose priceless heritage includes relics of stories in Brazil and worldwide. The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo holds a vast collection of works created between centuries 16 and 20, counting with rare specimens and significant. There are more than 18 thousand items in the collection. The museum has works of recognized names, as Frei Agostinho da Piedade, Frei Agostinho de Jesus, Antonio Francisco Lisboa, the "Aleijadinho" and Benedito Calixto de Jesus. Noteworthy are also the collections of nativity scenes, silverware and jewelery, Lampadarios, furniture, altarpieces, altars, clothing, liturgical books and numismatic.
Chairman of the Board of Directors – José Roberto Marcelino dos Santos
CEO – José Carlos Marcal de Barros
Director of Planning and Management – Luiz Henrique Neves Marcon
Museóloga - Beatriz Cruz