Group show "Girls On Pop" begins on Wednesday in Sao Paulo

Curated by Erika Palomino exhibition at Gallery Houssein Jarouche brings together works that relate to the feminine universe São Paulo, January 2020 – It begins on Wednesday in Sao Paulo to 19 horas na Galeria Houssein Jarouche a mostra de pop art “Girls on Pop”. Admission is free. Curated by Erika Palomino, … Read more

"Counterpoint" gathers part of Sergio Carvalho at the National Museum of the Republic in Brasilia

The National Museum of the Republic features until 25 February, a cut of Sergio Carvalho collection in the exhibition "Counterpoint". Emphasizing the diversity of the acquis, the exhibition seeks to establish formal counterpoints, poetic and thematic among the works. The show brings together the work of more than 30 Brazilian artists, Seventeen of which have already been indicated to the prize KITE, such as … Read more

6º CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça SENAI for the fine arts

TCU DISPLAYS WORKS OF ARTISTS WINNERS MARCANTONIO VILAÇA CULTURAL SPACE – TCU. FROM 24 OCTOBER TO 22 DECEMBER 2017. *For the second time, o Centro Cultural do Tribunal de Contas da União acolhe itinerância do principal prêmio das artes visuais brasileiras *Trabalhos do artista Sérvulo Esmeraldo e de mais 11 artistas compõem aRead more
